Evening Sentinel from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England (2024)

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Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England

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i'HK STAFFORDSHIRE SENTINEL Thiksuax daclmulk 24 1303: SPORTING NEWS LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE THE ESSEX TRAGEDY- MAGISTRATE COMMITTED FOR TRIAL SPECIAL Edn 5-30 THE BANK RATE NEWMARKET TRAINING NOTES Bank Rate 2i per cent No change QNEAR EASTERN QUESTION Compromise Arrived At Conference of the Powers Indefinitely Postponed- EXTRAORDINARY SHIPPING ACCIDENT Two Tugs Capsized FIVE SAILORS DROWNED Case Against the Brothers Cole Withdrawn SOUTH WALES TRAGEDY Charge of Criminal Libel FUNERAL OF THE VICTIMS Murdered and Thrown into a Pit SETTLEMENT OATES rirrr over -I- P-v dv GsyisAL Carry over J- Pay day Dee SO Mies Carry over Pay day 50 Past Closing Opening Noon Official British Punil Oensols 83lha Weird Scenes at Interment LABOURING MAN'S CONFESSION In order to avoid a deadlock in the NeaT East negotiations Russia and Austria have settled upon a compronfffe whereby instead of a discussion of the annexation of Bosnia at the Conference to which Austria objects or a limiting of the powers of the Conference to which Russia will not consent there shall NEWMARKET Thursday ON THE BURY SIDE: (3 Holiday House Kaffir Chief and Velk dercr covered five furlongs Playhouse went the same Easter galloped six furlongs Orndah covered live futiongs James Peter Bruges and Cape Verde galloped a mile at a nice pace Littledulc five furlongs Morgeudale and San Miniato galloped six furlongs Ducato covered five furlongs Watson's King-at-Arms Bay Tree Santo St-rato nicon Norman III and Fop covered the same si tancc ON THE RACECOURSE SIDE: eL8T? 0iie Bath- Bonny (Bay Shady filly Anceps and Vivid galloped seven furlongs Major Centre Board and Pnddv Brown went three miles Wool winder galloped seven furlongs Flare end Orange Tiud went five furlongs Paddington and Roomy covered a mile Leach's Ampanam eovpTed four furlongs Lavicrep Gold Roek and Libertine gal-lonod a mile and a nuarter Mercutio covered seven furlongs Baronet and Double A had fripned gallop of nearly two mites Sadler Mariut (Gordon Sadler ridingl was sent a striding gallop of a mile and three-quarters Hamburg agent telegraphs Owing to the British barque Forteviot bound to Santa Rosalia failing to answer her helm at Brunshausen he two tugs Fairplay III and Fairplay VIII capsized the crew being unable to out the tow lines Five of the crews were drowned The Forteviot then grounded but was got off at high water and is now safely anchored at B-unswick having lost her anchor and 150 fathoms of chain 984 981 1 664 985 1 BS4 this (Thursday) morning a labouring informed a police sergeant in High-street frthyr that he had thrown a woman of the 8(0rtrinatc class named Mary Ann Bees into jjole a disused blast furnace at The police searched the hole faysvae 864 864 864 Uannal teeanot Nation! War Lmmi 100 be a previous canvassing of the European 68 Cabinets on the matter in tho hone of arriv- India aig 714 ing at an arrangement before the Conference 94 meets The Russian Note accepting this pro- Water Beard RtncV ho 1 Trtndim Pntv Council U1'5 the Orarri Trua I Kmari runic OMiaarv 20'iy RrnnS Trunk 3rd Prof 508 Forulgn stock mne JO? ArrnnPu fiV TV A Wafer 1044 Ar-inllnc Worth Central TOO posal points out that it practically me indefinite postponement of the Conference ATTITUDE 'Through Renter's Agency) ST PETERSBURG Wednesday 204 504 204 51 204 51 FAMOUS FOOTBALL FORWARD CRITICAL CONDITION OF BLOOMER is some forty feet deep and there found ij woman's body still warm The head and were smashed After being medically the bodv was removed to the (ice (jsinined The semi-official will to-morrow publish the Circular Despatch sent by the ATinister of Foreign Affairs to the representatives of Russia accredited to the Powers signatory to the Berlin Treaty The document is a sequel to the despatch communicated jn'ii 0001 no iinnds lb' the Russian Cabinet on October 7th by the Jnran ritvp "-r nunSs 55 Austro-Hungarian Ambassador and containing I Turin 11 coi as none Argentina Beeission Pra7ii funding 5 rr07il o-nrU West! of Minas5ve Bunno ArrekX Chinese 1oo JVt 04 Tjgilllisasnxamil 854 101 THE CONDITION OF MR BEWICKE 1 Again handcuffed together the brothers Colo Edward Henry (32) described as a chimney sweep and James (25) described as a printer made their second appearance before the Bench at Maldon this morn ing on the charge of being accessories before tho fact to the murder of their father Frederick James Cole a borough councillor and general dealer of Maldon and their brother in-law Major Kitchen a blacksmith by their brother Frederick James Cole the younger who afterwards committed suicide The prisoners were represented by Air Jones barrister The proceedings were of short duration Captain Showers the Chief Constable of Essex intimating that the charge against the prisoners was withdrawn had the opportunity friend Air Bright clerk to the justices and although this case as the Bench were aware was one of very serious suspicion he did not feel justified in going through all the grue sonic horrors of this terrible tragedy and cans ing great anxiety to the prisoners and tneir relations and taking up the time of the Bench by going further into the case He would therefore ask that the prisoners be discharged ABSOLUTE INNOCENCE Mr Jones said that this announcement had to some extent taken him by surprise because the defence had had no notification till this moment that that course was to be adopted and the defence had come there prepared to meet the charge and he ventured to submit could have met it in the fullest possible way At the same time he did not wish to suggest He added that he had with his Tiie Press Association is informed hv Mr Lorain that Mr lVwicke who met with a had accident thTonah the fall of his horse Old Feirylionse at the last Sandown Pa-k Meeting has made such a rapid recovery in the last few days that he was able to leave the hospital at Sandown Park yesterday for hi home An Attack of Pneumonia Stephen Bloomer most famous forward came very near to having played his last game this week He caught a chill on I returning hom*o from the Union meet-conferring ing and pneumonia developed It was and with him on Monday The crisis happily has now been passed and the Middlesborough medical adviser hopes to pull the great player through Bloomer had not missed a match up to a week ago is 101 94 decisions regarding Novi-1 Jjnsn (100715 Bonds Bazar Bosnia and Herzegovina It also dis-1 9 evened 1-- 1 TO-I 1 Peril OonKWHfnn the oroclamation of Prince Ferdinand 94 KEMPTON PARK MEETING fgtiiary to await an inquest The man was Ruined at the police station THE duch*eSS OF MANCHESTER Operation for Appendicitis r' duch*ess of Manchester who has been grated upon for appendicitis is progressing 1 favourably EATH OF ARCHDEACON SEYMOUR pjc Venorablo A Seymour Archdeacon Barnstaple since 1890 and Vicar of Ilfra-(jnibe since IPOS died this (Thursday) mom nsed 67 He was a brother of Sir Edward triVHir "'ho commanded the allied expedi eainft the Boxers in China in 1900 ORDER OF RUNNING FOR SATURDAY Hounslow Selling Steeplechase 1 0 Chiswick Selling Hurdle 1 30 Richmond Maiden Hurdle 2 0 Hampton Handicap Steeplechase 2 30 Park Steepiechsse 3 0 Christmas Handicap Hurdle 3 30 924 924 234 WINDSOR MEETING 114 113 444 444 ORDER OF RUNNING FOR MONDAY At Croydon to-day Frederick Templer Depree JP of Swiss Cottage Exeter who is chairman of the firm of Willey and Company gas engineers appeared on a summons issued at the instance of Sydney James Henry Willey of Dingwall-road Croydon whose father was the founder of the firm charging him with criminal libel A letter which was alleged to contain the statement complained of was handed to the magistrates but was not read Complainant said he received it on Deoember 13th and it was signed by defendant Cross-examined complainant said the letter purported to dismiss him from the service Mr Neilson for the defence argued that there was no evidence of malice So little was the letter nlculafed to disturb the peace of the community that his learned friend had not thought fit to read it He submitted that the case should never have been brought into court After further discussion the Bench said thev had carefully considered the arguments and also the letter which on the face of it they considered was libellous Therefore they had no alternative but to commit the defendant for trial Defendant was thereupon committed to the Assizes for trial hail being fixed at himself in £100 and one surety in £100 DROWNING FATALITY AT CONGLETON Frightened Lad Conceals His Death About eight on Tuesday night it was reported to the Congleton police that a boy named George aged five whose parents reside at Congleton was missing from his home Ho was last seen near the railway station His parents and other friends searched different parts of the town but to no avail Further information was given to the police on Wednesday and dragging operations Wire conducted in the canal by the Chief Con stable and Jones and Preston The body of the child was recovered about 4 30 on Wednesday afternoon It that the child had been playing with a little hoy named Willie Cliffe aged 11 and they went down to the canal to wash their hands By some means got into the water and Cliffe failing to give any alarm the little boy was drowned It was no! until Wednesday that the police could get any information from Cliffe who then reluctantly confessed that the boy was drowned The body was found the basin of a wharf nbou! half a mile away where it is believed it had been dragged by a passing boat ROLLER-SKATING ETIQUETTE Writing from London on Wednesday high the correspondent of a Northern newspaper says This is obviously going to bo a roil skating winter for besides th two big rinks in London one sees various casual premise being hastily fitted oat They are already pro during a grievance A large friend has been in to complain of what he calls the new sun- ptuarv law that hats must not be worn on the rink Consequently the public convcmen cloakrooms are provided at the nominal charge of My friend who has had a broken shoulder and suffered oncussior of the brain and who no weighs 18st 121h without an overcoat obtained special permission to wear hat and overcoat even the latter is anathema As he was return ing to have his skates removed he was ordered to take hat off and in the shock of ihe demand down he went He doubts whether he cares much about roller-skating THE CHARGES AGAINST MR BOTTOMLEY The hearing of the charges against Air Horatio Bottomlefy MP and three other defendants was proceeded with at the Ouild-hall Police Court on Wednesday Air Lever architect of Witham continued his evidence and was cross-examined by Bottomlev that (lie police were not justified in lie course jn re-examination he said that he had re-which they took but which no doubt was reived altogether £15 in dividends from the based on various surmises and local 60SS1P defendants in return for about £2000 invested which seemed to strengthen tho suspicions other evidence was given for the prosecution a inst the defendants If the ease nau gone and the case was again adjourned until on lie would certainly have called upon both jannaTy 7t) the defendants and put them in the witness- cusses ownoretton Prof Kinq of Bulgaria continues the p0rtimese New desnatch before her in both oases a is'1 unilateral act though at the London ConfeT- Russian 5t ence of 1871 the participating European Powers Rnsnish ew firm ally recognised that no Power could1 modify the provisions of their agreements except with the assent of the other signatory Powers Russia has observed this principle also in regard to the Treaty of Berlin PEACE OF THE WORLD ENDANGERED shaking the foundations of political equilibrium and endangering the peace of the world th action of Austria- Hungary and says the despatch 35 really alarmed Europe and Turkey did not lYest-em Ordinary 1324 delay ir protesting formally against the double i Western Deferred 444 violation of the Treaty of At the Metronolitnn Ordinary 38 same time the idea put forward by Turkey of VetroooUtnn Disk Ord 13 calling a conference led to an exchange of Midland Deferred views between the Cabinets which had for last two months been carrying cn complicated negotiations regarding the proposed pB- gramme fir- such a conference The principal South Rutrm Deferred- 324 difficulty hitherto has hen the divergence of 2 views between Austria-Hungary and Russia Wormian FiaHww Austria-Hungary was at the same time nego- Bolivia Ppf 132 tiating with Tirk for a direct undeTtan i- Arcntino Western Arvi-nUn" Upturn Ord PA Pnno Ayres A CH Sout-Vm 1 24 2 Buenos Avre" uml Pacific ing and insisted that that conference should confine itself to confirming this Article 25 of the Berlin 444 444 44s 554 554 box As it was they had made statements to the police which showed their absolute inno ecnce of complieitv in the crime The Mayor (Mr Barrett): We consider tho police were amply justified in the steps they took on Saturday morning as the prisoners DARING ESCAPADE Imprisoned In a Railway Waggron A reformatory boy named Arthur Edward HUNTING had been bound over to keep the peace in Moore (15) has been taken into custody by th 1044 125 112 104t 1242 79 5812 125 lll'z 104 1248 79 58'a respect of one of the murdered people Major Kitchen As the Chief Constable does not wish to proceed further in the matter the prisoners are discharged This announcement was received by an outburst of cheering in court The friends of the discharged defendants rushed to the dock and caught hold of them Their sister also embraced both of the brothers Mrs Kitchen one of the widows which the tragedy created as soon as the proceedings were over swooned and had to be assisted to an adjoining room 93 Darwon police affor passing through a series of extraordinary advmturee and has been sent back to the authorities at the Fylde Farm Workhouse About a fortnight ago the lad broke out of the reformatory bv means of the fire escape He made his wav to the railway line boarded a goods train and in that wav-travelled to Danven He passed the nights in out-of-the-way corners One morning Darwen resident noticed a smell of cooking in hie kitchen and on going downstairs saiv lad in the kitchen with a frying-pan on th fire Tho intruder escaped but" left his cap behind The boy had a startling adventure before 93 HISS PALFOUR HEALTH Fur some liitle time Miss Balfour sister of Premier has been confined to her room I widtlinghame owing to indisposition but jrxg tho last few davs her health has very fjidcrablv improved and she has been able I be out of doors a little tills week IsTEAMER WRECKED IN HUDSON BAY piP Bay Company London has I iweived information that their sailing ship has been wrecked at Lisbon shoals in Ison Hay There wore no casualties and I fow who are reported all well were landed factory lames' Bay The vessel was (-ling! home in ballast and had on board (-lv a few bales of furs which had arrived 1V late to he despatched by the cciiliary steamer Discovery SECRETARY AND HIS ACCOUNTS Strange Delusion An inquest was held to-day before the Himmcrsmith Coroner into the death of John Vest rup (secretary of the West London Thrift Loan Society and of the Hammersmith Ifellows' Lodge He was found hanging is bedroom on Tuesday Evidence was j'vui that the deceased was very much of late His accounts in both i otii-i were perfectly correct He imagined i re-1' ui Mr for outstanding subscrip-A verdict of Suicide whilst of unsound was returned inns Kind 544 934 994 FUNERAL THE VICTIMS 104 5 124 2 5B 92 29 1 112' 4 55 34 18 1 1 2 J4 1314 1516 5 2 84 124 2 99 2 438 124 47 B7 2 714 120 4 26 8 648 1144 THE NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE HOUNDS appointment of these hounds was sn Meece House the residence of Mr Wood where a representaive field assembled including The Master Colonel Dobson (Seighford Hall) Mrs Dobson Sir A Wiggin (Walton Hall) Mr Thorneycroft Mrs Ridgway (Tittensor) Mr John Knight (Bar Hill Made ley) Mr Guy Knight (Aston) Mrs Guy Knight Misi Philips (Heybridge) Mr Challinor (Shallowford House) Miss Challinor Mr Kirkham (Stone) Mr Lowe (Sugnali Hall) Mr Garde (Eccleshall) 5Ir Trappes Lomas (Bet-ley) and many others Although the condition! were not apparently of a particularly favourable nature either as regarded the weather or the travelling a very good and very unusual sport was chronicled Disturbing their first fox in The Pilsons Cover houndi quickly got to work and pushed their quarry out at a sharp pace by way of Swynnerton thence by Sandyford on through Wood over Beech and by Harley-thorn from where the chase was merrily continued across Hanchurch Hills Without hesitating tho hunted one sped along through Tmtham Park and past the kennels at Trenlham over the river to Hanford Daring customer that he was reynard came back over tho watercourse taking his pursuers away right up to Springfield which is situated near to Trent Vale and Newcastle-under-Lyme and just on the borders oi Stoke-on-Trent Hereabouts the fugitive crossed the canal and managed to cheat hounds by running them out of scent after an fast and exciting hunt terminating as it did in a thicky-populated neighbourhood where it was least expected that a fox would he likely to seek refuge However he got away safely somewhere and bested hounds following a plucky race Returning to Meece Gorse another fox was pushed out from this cover and taking a lin round by Yarn-field be twisted to the right over the North Staffordshire Railway then along by Cold Norton back ovef tho railway again to his original starting-place at Meece Gorse from where he was hunted past Meece Hons almost to Swynnnrton Nothing more could be done with him on reaching this point hut the run was nevertheless another good one occupying as it did a full half-hour the first portion especially being faat The funeral of the victims of the murderer I being finally run lo earth One night he crept took Place on Wednesday the interment taking jsrfMhelid £omltkllv loekwhen he Place at Maldon Cemetery The three graves drew it down His shouts drew the attention adjoin each other in a secluded part of the of the railway officials and when released he consecrated burying ground The body of the I WBS almost in a state of collapse He was arrested the 1604 152b 35 39 126 15012 434 1242 eventually by police in the read ing-room at the Free Library father and son-in-law were buried in the 998 1114 181 152 39 1252 502 43U 125 47 1 1 864 712 1208 1858 558 832 181 1522 349 384 126 150'2 434 124b 47b 864 718 1208 264 1854 5514 115 New Year Resolutions under-riano-ipg and Prog" ling Treaty Tho St Petershure Cabinet on the other hand found it impossible to concur in this view They could not overlook the fact that the right to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina had been conferred upon Austria-Hungary not by a partial agreement with Turkov but in virtue of the Berlin Treaty It was therefore obvious that the right accorded to itui qnrl Pref Austria-Hungarv oould bo subie-ot'cn to no amendment without the consent of all the signatory Powers Finally the St Petersburg Canine found that the conferenee euld on no account be confined to the mere abrogation of Article 25 of the Berlin Treaty THE FUTURE CONFERENCE In this respect we had concludes the circular note to refer to the example of tlv: Iondon Conference when not only Articles 11 15 and 14 of the Paris Treaty were abrogated but a special agreement was also con-chided making changes in the International Act referred to Therefore the future Conference must in our opinion not only abolish Article 25 hut also supersede it with a provision defining the new situation in Bosnia Fortunately the possibility is now afforded of removing the difference of opinion between Russia and Austria in a communique addressed by tiie Russian Cabinet proposes a now modus procedendi whereby instead of a discussion of the matters in question at the Conference there should be previous negotiations between the Cabinets This modus in our opinion involves considerable inconvenience chiefly because it is complicated and calculated to conduce to delays Still We can on the other hand not deny that it is calculated to remove the danger of too acute divergencies at the Conference The Russian Government is animated by the desire of expressing its conciliatory sentiments and is not disposed to make any objection to the proposed modus Should the Powers notify their readiness to agree to the modus the St Petersburg Cabinet will not fail during the following negotiations to pronounce its opinions concerning those points in the Conference programme which especially interest Rnenns Ayres nt Rosario Jhiens Avrw Wtorn (Vntrfll ITmeuav Porrlva fntrTSInr)Q Kntro Kio Profrr OrfHnarv Unitpd of Hnvontv Moxloan Unllw OrtPmrv Moxfcan Kail 1st Prof Nitmto Ordinary Nitrate Railway Oftfortw Amor leans Atchison ToTWkaASantaFf flslt'muro nrl Ohio Cannlsn Pacific Ordinary Chioago an1 St Paul Frio Dnnvor Ordlntiry Donvnr PreforreJ and Nasi Ordinary lilinoia Ordinary Mis Kan awi Txun Ord New York Central Orff New York Ontario Ord Norfolk nl 4Vot Com Fennsvlvantn Orff and Renfflne OH Southern Paclfio OH Southern Rntlwav Ortl Union PacMeoH UnitH States Steel OH United States Steel Amalgamated Copper Commercial Anglo-Amerie-jn Deferred Armstrong Whitworth Coats OHillarv Daimler OHinarv Darracq Ordinary I Eastmans Cotton Spinners Gramophone OHinary lames Nelson Bay il urn hors famdon Dook Deferred fvons and Co Pahang Oonstd ffeldn Syndicate Portland Cement Portland Cement Pref- Vickers Maxim Uptons Ordinary tvirn Anaconda Ashant Gold Fields Associated Geld A INTERMENT OF THE MURDERER WEIRD SCENES AFTER SUNSET I lsuaL with the approach of a New Year I a great many good resolutions are being formed the funeral of tho murderer took place after I Hat it is intended shall be carried out faith CHRISTMAS MARKETS SHORT TIME AT CREWE WORKS fully during the coining months but it I easier to make plans than to fulfil them and I it remains to be seen how many of the good resolutions made this Christuiastide will be carried out in 1909 Faults that have become habits aTe not easily sunset at which time the public were excluded from the cemetery The form of service used was that known as Iho special burial service for use under Clause 13 of the Burial Law Amendment Act 1830 and is that prescribed 864 664 724 121 264 186 55'8 115 834 Induatrii for the burial of persons who have died be unbaptised excommunicate or who have laid violent hands on determination and perseverance difficult at first becomes easier by themselves The opening 18 Bt 154 520 B'S 1SS2 18 126 296 116 206 75 29 78'2 54 273 62 HUNTING APPOINTMENTS THE MEYNELL HOUNDS WILL MEET ON Monday December 28th Green Man Ashbourne Tuesday December 29th Newton Thursday December 31t Etwall Saturday January 2nd Newborough 10 45 shod of bore 9000 Persons Affected T1 i ev av works at Crewe were closed at noon to-day (Thursday) for the Christmas holi- iviich will extend over ten days opera- being resumed on Monday January 4th 9 am Intimation has been conveyed to workmen by means of notices posted in a various departments that after the Christ-js holidays the works will be placed on s': time With the exception of one or two operations will cease at 5 30 on May evenings instead of at noon on Satnr-and Hie men will not start the week until cn Monday morning instead of 1 This order will affect about TV men and boys The employees in the Tail-Tv mill will continue lo work at full time I ft present I tun big haul at a fust office What is degrees and it should be remembered that without effort nothing is achieved Temper in one form or another be it pas- siorate or sulky is responsible for much ira- The coffin plate I happiness in domestic circles and no doubt nee Cole died of the good resolutions formed for the New Year concern the overcoming of temper and the willingness to enter into the spirit of and Then again the observance of punctuality means a good deal to the smooth-working of A Pa Rail Festival household affairs and well-meaning but Th 1-nwl I thoughtless husbands would sometimes save ora lale which is applied to Chrast-1 (heir wive3 many moments of anxiety and in-mas is like many others of purely Pagan convenience if they refrained from bringing lvcme acquaintances to dinner without having given their wives timely notice of the arrival sentences and the committal portion of the ordinary service are omitted The interment took place in the dim light by a lantern A few relations and friends tiie deceased were present the words James Cole December 19th 1908 aged 43 THE MEANING OF origin It was the custom in Scandinavia celebrate in beginning about the time 5116 400 249 of the longest great feasts and sacrifices in honour of the great god Thor and in com memoration of the creation of tho world from primeval darkness or Great of the unexpected guests Most likely on such an occasion only a little dinner has been prepared and there is scarcely enough to go round The burden falls upon tho wife who is unnecessarily harassed and eves broke into branch post off cc at (Mum-street Birmingham early this and plundered a safe which however con- 'l only paper money The face value of booty amounts to about £700 fires of whole trees were lighted on tiie evo of I rushed by the thoughtlessness of her better tho shortest day horses were slain and eaten and mead was drunk from huge nine-hooped cups Among the more savage of the Vikings prisoners and slaves were slam really in sacrifice to the god And it is this barbarous ceremonial that is commemorated for ever in the word Yule The early Church preserved the half On the other hand it is not every man who after ten years of married life could write of his wife as a widower lately wrote: was always considerate and gracious Were I away two hours or two days there was always the -t ivi JUP Miuy Lnuiun uLalfVvU II 1 1 I 12-0 116 B-nUet 14 Boston Copper 3nlner Peraeveran-M 93 British Broken IHU 1S0 British South Africa Oo 106 Broken Hill Prop 232 Don Gold Fields A Def 4 De Bera East Hand Kspe 3 '32 Gold Coast Ainalgfcd 2 '4 Golden TUrse Shoe 6 Great Boulder 269 Great Cobar 438 Great Fingall 1513 Oroya Browithill lvanboft4MM 016 Taperafontein 3 '8 Kalgurli 8 Knights Lomagnnda 73 HU Fremior Diamond 85g Raadfoni ain Rand ines 71532 Rhodesia Exploration 132 Vnal River I1 3 Kio Tinte 73 douth African Geld Trust 5's Tanganyika Transvaal Cous 1 and 216 WuihiGoM 834 assau B0 Zaiahosia Exploration 219 Ziire Corporation 50 Mexico Trams 136 Rio de Janerio Trams 78J2 Mex Light and Power 76 HE ESSEX HUNTING FIELD ACCIDENT foil net I ion with the mishap to Mr Guy I fi "i Sheering Hall Essex while hunting rdi afternoon we are glad to learn that are but slight and that he hopes 6 la lit saddle again in a few days GOLP LYTHAM AND ST CLUB BOXING DAY COMPETITION The draw and times of starting for the annua Boxing Day competition promoted by the Lytham aud St Club are as a in 10 The Captain and Taylor 10 4 Waters and Terry 10 Sargeant and Smethurst 10 John Lilly and Shaw 10 Sharratt and Whipp 10 Sargeant and Thornes 10 24 Edmondson and A Higham 10 Harvey and Litton 10 A Broadbent and Broad bent 10 Crabtree and Catterall 10 Barlow and Anderton io Macbeth and Cattow 10 48 Boddington and II Parke io 52 Bradley and Thomson 10 56 Carey and Leybourn 11 Thomnson and Hargreave 11 Catterall and Dickinson 11 Parkin and Arthur 11 Harrison and Humber 11 Mugliston and Marcus Roe ll A Brown and Higham il A Dessauer and Lund 11 Crummack and Musgrave 11 0 Costeker and A Smith 11 Abbatt and A Leigh ll Topping and Potter 11 Had field and II Cook ll Rutherford and Hunt ll Uamsbottom and ll Crummack 11 Crummack and Jason Wilson 12 Slater and Collier ROYALTY ON THE LINKS Princo Albert of Schleswig-Holstein was engaged at the Brawshot course yesterday In tho forenoon his Highness practised over fourteen holes with II Taylor (Mid-Surrey) In tho afternoon the Prince and Taylor opposed Mr de Paravicini the old Cambridge Middlesex and Ducks cricketer and A Butchas the local professional lit the foursome match ending square hia Highness played very fine golf throughout name and applied it to Christmas This made I sume gracious we-eome on my return it easier for the converted barbarians who I Much of the joy of life is due to eweet confound that they could still go on with their I sideration given to and yielded by us con-Yule feasting and drinking and lionfires and I deration that shines above all in the home yet bo very good provided that they I circle and is not bestowed exclusively on out-dropped the sacrifices human and equine siders It is the everyday behaviour that NEW SUIT counts the keeping up of the little courtesies and graces that are so Teadily exchanged between those only slightly known to one another but that are more rare between relatives who meet daily HANLEY Hanley Market was quite attractive this morning with seasonable decorations The holly mistletoe and evergreens however were not so plentiful as in forme years The bulk of the mistletoe for sale came from Hereford and there was little French produce on th market Tiie stallholders were early astir but business was not brisk at Ihe start Poultry was not plentiful There was a scarcity of turkeys The prices ranged from 9Jd to lOjd for geese while dressed turkey were making from Is 2d to Is 4d a pound In the shambles there was a good supply of beef and pork The fish-stalls were welj stocked but trade war quiet BURSLEM Quite early this (Thursday) morning the sta-11 holders in both the Burslem meat market and the vegetable miTket were busy decking out their stalls with tilings of good cheer for the Christ mast-id-' There were some first-rate specimens of beasts in the meat market and whereas 1 hoc: who can afford to do so will indulge in turkey geese it was apparent by the large stocks of beef mutton and iork that a ready sale for these staple articles of food is anticipated this evening In the vegetable market there are stalls of ail stalls with holly ivy and mistletoe stalls witli croekery-waro and stalls upon which acr ladM numerous kinds of sweets and confectionery LONGTON Longton Covered Market which is the largest of its kind in tiie district is to-dav (Thursday) tiie scene of a very animated Christmas sale The building presents an attractive and seasonable appearance with tiie stalls laden with prime joints of meat a choice selection of turkeys and geese and a multitude of toys and Christmas decorations The market opened actively and the stallholders looked forward to a very successful time The prices during the early part of the day were regarded as very satisfactory Best joints of beef fetched 9d a lh and sucking pigs sold for 8d 1 sir lb The turkeys which were plump birds realised up to ls 2d ier lb dressed and lid in tho feathers Geese fetched 10(1 per lh dressed and in the feathers Pucks were sold at enhanced prices and were nice birds The figure reached as high as 5s sd each Fowls were up to 6s a couple Butter was from ls 2d to ls 4d per lb cheese 8d and S)d and eggs 6 and 7 a shilling There was a ciowded attendance during the day The tradespeople of Longton who have vied with each other in arranging their shop window attractions have produced some charming displays and look to trade bringing them good returns There is the prospect for a busy Christmas eve NEWCASTLE A special Christmas market was held to-day (Thursday) in Newastle as in most other towns There was a good supply of meat poultry and a brisk business was done during the day This year beef has been bought at Id or 1 a pound more than last year owing to scarcity and it has consequently slightly increased in price tiie best cuts fetching 9d a pound The beef is well up to the standard of other years as far as quality is concerned ami a great deal of that being sold in the town was bought at local markets such as Newcastle Stone Market Drayton and Hodnct The butchers seem to be going in less of late for the big fat gaudy beef that was made so much of a few years ago and to bo going in more for a nice-cutting beef suited to the table Mutton is plentiful and the best cuts of mutton are realising as much as 9d There is a very good show of pork and a lot of little porkets arc to be seen in tiie shops This Ls somewhat dearer than last year and prime cuts vary from 7d to 8d Turkeys are scarce and are fetching over ls a pound hut on the other hand there is a verv big lot of geese in tile srket and these are selling at 9d and 9fd a ponnd Ducks are 7s to 8s a couple Holly is somewhat scarce but there is pretty well of mistletoe to be obtained Tiie Christmas salt- of fat stock in the above market took place on Thursday last week when tiie prizes given by the tradesmen of the town and the auctioneers were awarded The show of cattle was quite up to tiie usual good standard for this market though there were fewer cattle Tiie improved trade for beef which has leen general was fully maintained the impression being that cattle were a head dearer than the earlier markets There was again a big lot of tat pigs and considering the fact that there was an cmrflow on the previous Monday the quantity of pigs in this part or the county was enormous Though the' prices were little better than of late the biddings w-re brisk and the prices were better at the fmi-Ji than at the start Porkets were a good trade There was a good supply of sheep but rade was slow The few calves on offer were dear Numbers of 105 fat cattle and 432 head of calves sheep and pigs the whole being disposed of in 3J hours Messrs Heywood and Co were the auctioneers TO-D4V MARKET LEADS TO A SENTENCE 0E SIN MONTHS' IMPRISONMENT Samuel Bailey collier Hodnesford Staffordshire was brought before the Aberyetivyth bench on Wednesday afternoon charged with the theft of £21 from Mrs Parry Tref Uchan MATH OF A FLINTSHIRE JUSTICE death took place this (Thursday) morn-fi of Mr Walter Roney of Connah's Quay I' giiffl Deceased was a justice of the peace hat county He was also managing direc-( "i the Dee Shipping Insurance Co and "tie of tiie best known personalities along wo side ttTOXRTER BOARD OF GUARDIANS 1 of the Guardians was held at the Jn Hall on Wednesd av presided over ly i' Ibnrv Bamforri There were also Miss Webb the Rev Oakden Brown II Oldham 1 ifcn'c'r fcster 3V Winnington Tom- Kde Tipper Wood Tor-li i Woodward and 1 Woolley with I Hawthorn (Clerk) If 'uniian staled that the auditor had to the cost of maintenance 1 of the inmates which was very high that a cominitteo should lee I- '(I investigate the matter but ulti- resolved to await the report of wCTtor "hen more particulars would he MANCHFSTER TRADE Wiiile the Tnarket weaTs a decidedly holiday appearance business is not altogether In cloth India fabrics are still in quiet Absrystwyth Prisoner was arrested under preqlleJt' bnta to buy for China mirirnis circ*mstances On Mnudav lie enic-rcfl I ls noticeable Nearer Bastem and South American cunous circ*mstances tm monuay lie eniereci I maTkct() OIrlto steadily but producers rumble a Carmarthen dressed as a tramp but a I Koo1 deal about prices American home trade yarns later was sften struttir about in a nw twee cl I modu-rote duman-d in Tctail lines at somewhat suit: Ho was fairly lush with money and at irreaular rates Export bundles and Bolton spinnings midnight ho was arrested oil suspicion He 1 unchanged and slow was handed over to the Aberystwyth police on DERBY Little or nothing doing and quota-Wednesday morning and tiie bench sent him tions about- nominal Wheat 3is to 32s 6d grinding back to Carmarthen Prison for six months barley 25 to 2Ss new oats 19s to 20s old oats 24s Seventeen pounds was recovered and handed old beans 37s to 38s new beans 34 to 35s CONDITION OP MAIN ROADS UNDER REPAIR FOOTBALL TEAMS FOR TO-MORROAV HANLEY SWIFTS PORT VALE (NS League) Hanley Swifts are fortunate in having one cf the most attractive of their matches arranged for Christmas Day Port Vale will be the visitors and the event coining so quickly after the reorganisation of the Cobridge club will be exceptionally interesting The Port Vale team has already been strengthened by the inclusion of some of their new men those having been selected to represent the club in this important match being Benson formerly of Stoke and latterly of Northampton: Nixon of Stockport County: Bert Eardley the old Burslem Port Vale half-back who was with Whitchurch last season: Adrian Capes one of the most popular forwards tie Potteries hns ever known: Joe Turner late of Stoke and Southampton The rest of the team will he made up of the best of the men who have been on the list of the club during the season including Fieldhouse late of Stoke and Stafford Rangers and Moss who started the season with Kids-grovc Wellington Unfortunately the Swifts will not ho quite at full strength as Rhead will he unable to turn out Hughes will fill the position in the forward line and thus make room for Griffith among the halves The other players who have been feeling the effects of last hard game at Cobridge have happily recovered sufficiently to take tlieir accustomed places The teams will be as follows: Hanley Brindley goal Bassett and Fletcher backs Griffith Kidwell and II Brown half-backs Lawton Hughes Farrington Williams and Bourne forwards Port Vale Osborne goal: Meigh and Benson backs Moss Nixon and Coleman half-backs Eardley Adrian Capes May land Turner and Fieldhouse forwards Kick-off at 10 45 PORT VALE RESERVE STOKE RESERVE (NS Federation) Port- Vale Agg us goal: her mouth and Rigby backs Boulte Kir mouth and Booth halfbacks ltandles Bromley Richardson Beech and Cart-ledge forwards Stoke Receive Miller goal Mlllward and Williams backs Hawc Harding and Turner half-backs Turner Eardley Williams Fielding and HowshaM forwards Kick-off at 2 30 GOLDEN HILL UNITED TUXSTALL PARK (NS League) Tinistal! Park (selected from): Everill Crane Hewitt Walker CaU ledge Wright Boulton Purcell Hall Hulse Eardley and Grant CONGLETON TOWN BIDDULPH MISSION (NS League) Congleton Healy goal: Dale and White-burst backs Brown Dale and Bowver half-backs Beech Stanway Dobson If Lowe and Goodwin forwards NEWCASTLE RANGERS CHESTERTON CHURCH Newcastle Rangers (selected from): Gibson Adams Billington Keeling Tryner Jackson Miles Lovatt Flannery Welsh Wilcox Soarle Pattison Kettle and Tittensor NS NOMADS HANLEY OLD BOYS (Friendly Match) A mo'Tt interesting friendly encounter is expected to be the result of the visit of Hanley Old Bays to the County Cricket Ground to-morrow morning (Christinas) Day) and as this will the only match in the Stoke district there should he a very good attendance of spectators I'll ere is any amount of rivalry between these two amateur teams Tiie Nonulds team will be select wi from the following Stevens BouHemicr Skellcm A Owen Ashworth Settle Dealing Nixon Grady Alien A Owen Wallace Tunnicliffe and A Ash llanley Old Rcpton goal Goklstraw and Boulton hacks Gamble Dodd ami Thomas half-backs Hopwood Malkin Stevenson Stevenson and Hopwood forwards STAFF THEATRE ROYAL STAFF (Friendly) Wintorburn goal A Skellern and Melton backs Shaw Hulson and Sims half-backs Steele James Miller II Cooper and Baddeley forwards TEAMS FOR SATURDAY back SECOND REPORT LONDON 1 15 prn Call Money Three Bills 2 3-16 to 2L The Stock Markets are idle Attention is directed to the mining carry over but the attendance is small as the account Is small The general rate for South Africans is about 6 per cent- other sections Consols 83 13-16 for Money and for tho Account Irish Loan 36 Home Rails kilo Great Central issues up Caledonian Great Northern Def Stock down Although Americans are mostly up on the day they are below the best points while Chesapeake has fallen g- Missouri 4 Erie Norfolk Canadian Pacifies Unions lg up Norfolk Prefs Louisville Amalgamated 2 others to Trunks steady Foreigners dull on the political outlook Mines are steady in tone but there is little dealing Tintos higher at 73 Tanganyika LEEK BOARD OF GUARDIANS MANCHESTER CORN Only a holiday attendance at market and the tone is weak English wheat in very small supply and prices unchanged foreign quiet at last week's prices Flour unchanged Indian corn lower Oats in favour Beans and peas unaltered Barley slow Bran a little lower BIRMINGHAM CATTLE Very few beasts and The fortnightly meeting of the Board was held on Wednesday morning Mr II Sleigh 3iir TI offer and no busine done Pigs scarce JP presiding There were present: Mrs Barnett Major-General Phillips and Messed Deane Carding Homer Hine Shirley Watson Heath Vernon I Bolshaw Sheldon Whal-loy assail Bassett I Wilde Brough JP and the Rev A Peters but a fair demand bacon pigs 8s lod to 9s cutting pigs 9s 3d to 93 6d porkets 10s sows 7s 3d per score METROPOLITAN CATTLE-Practioally no market was hcl dto-day DEPTFORD FOREIGN CATTLE One thousand and eighty-five I leasts from the United States were offered for sale to-dav and met a firm trade at last For Week ending January 1st 1909 Stafford District and Eccleshall-road mile from Eccleshall Saturday Eceleslmll and Woore-road If miles from EecleahaU Monday Tuesday 31 miles from Eccleshall Wednesday 4 miles from Ecelesbail Thursday Friday L-ek District Leek and JJacciesfield-road At Wolf Dale 4 miles from Leek Saturday Monday near Rrshton Station 5 miles from Leek Tuesday Wednesday at Hug Bridge 6 miles from Leek Thursday Friday Uttoxeter Che adle and Alton-road: 3 miles from Cheadle Saturday Monday 2 miles from Cheadle Monday Tuesday Wednesday Cheadle and Oakamoor-road 21 miles from Cheadle on Light Oakes Level Wednesday Thursday Friday Lichfield District Lichfield and Wnlsall-road Near the second mile-post from Lichfield Saturday Cannock and Walsall-road Near the sixth mile-post from Walsall Wednesday Thursday Friday Walling-street: I8j miles from Newport Monday Tuesday Sedglcy District kingswmfonl and Dudley-road Dudley Boundary to High Oak 1J miles from Dudley and flic dietary table might bo 'taster reported that there were 87 in-' as against 80 for the corresponding I'1 year During the fortnight 253 bad been relieved against 168 He had I gifts for tie inmates from Mr 'JtynnoTsley) Mr Jno Bamford Mr Copestakc Mrs Gaskell Mrs Misfl Webb and Mr Prince i 'rgc nurse bliss A Buckley ten-hcr resignation and asked to be a Outdoor relief had been administered as fc-1- rates the lest on offer making 4s 6d to 4s lod lows: Leek district 444 paupers £52 14s Id I extreme 5a and seconds 4s 4d to 4s 6d per 81b Norton 298 £25 19s Longnor 58 £6 ls offal given in Biddulph 102 £10 10s 6d total 882 £95 4s GRIMSBY FISH-Fair supply brought hv sixty 7d against 878 £02 7s 6d in the correspond- Weasels and a good demund Soles is id turbot I I early in January It was decided to ing week of last year The number of inmates 9d to is 3d brills jd to Ed per ib plaice 4s ed nverti a tor a successor 1 A "'nr received Preventioi lion Saturday to Wednesday High Oak to lauiches Bridge 21 miles from Dudley Thursday Friday Stourbridge and BridgnoTth-road Between Tile Ridge and 2 miles from Stourbridge Saturday Honda Tuesday end of Kmvcr-road south of Enville 4) mih 0 and Mr miles lemon soles 10s whitings 23 'whitches 5s 6d live halibut 11s to 12s Id dead 6 to 10s 6d per stone live ling 3s dead 2s live cod 4s to 6a dead 2s 6d to 3s 6d each live skate 4s dead 2s kit haddocks 143 gibbed 193 live dahs 18s dead 14s per box GLASGOW Market a shide better 5500 tons done in Cleveland at 49s lSd cash 49s lid six days 49s 4d one montli 9 9d three months buyers 49s id cash 49a sd one montli at present in the Union was 133 against 139 loot year A letter was read from the secretary of the Leek Trades Council again asking the Guardians to appoint a sub-committee to aot along with tho Leek Trades Council and the Leek Urban District Council and relieving the distress in tho town On the motion of Mr rom's ton rbiid go Wednesday Thursday on Fox Bank 4 miles from Stourbridge Friday from the National of Cruelly lo Chilli a subserintion from the tZ 2s was received the report porlnr of British emigrant children I' stating that a girl sent out from 1 was going on very well indeed She Rnr' was niving satisfaction in her V' said he was sure the Guar-i'ijj "00M ho glad to hear such a good THEFT COMMITTED IN DRINK AT STAFFORD KINGSLEY Royai Temperance Lodge GU 1 The half-yearly meeting of this friendly society was held on Wednesday night at the Royal Oak Hotel Bro Golastraw NG It was dv eided to send only one delegate to the district meeting to he held at Oakamoor in January and eventually the president was elected to attend that meeting Bro Cope was re-elected secretary of the lodge a position which he has held for the past fourteen years As auditor along with Bro Edgar Hall' Bro Rushton was unanimously appointed and after a hearty vote of thanks had been accorded to tho secretary and treasurer of the juvenile lodge Bros Thomas Melior and James Moreton sen they were unaniraousJy re-olected to tlieir respective positions A scheme of insurance for the officials of the lodge from the headquarters of the Order was read over and it was decided that the same be adopted and the insurance effected This concluded the business of the lodfte HaseaJl seconded by General Phillips it was 49s three months sellers 49s ijl cash 49 4i decided that a committee bo elected and fne one month 49s 9l three months Coper settlement seven Leek Guardians and General Phillips price £63 Market closed till Tuesday were appointed to constitute the committee SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE IRON Mr Edward Lloyd the famous tenor once sang in fi house At the conclusion of the song a clergyman who was evidently unaware of the identity of the singer approached him he said should not waste your voice like this We need another tenor in our choir and I shall lie happy to give you £30 a year Think it over BURSLEM GAS BirminKhun There was a very small market an I very liitle business doin'! owing to scarcity of orders Most places will close down to-night for a wet Prices unaltered at £8 for marked bars 5s lor common £6 10s for Crown Galvanis'd eorrigated sheets 012 10s and black sheets £7 5s for doubles Staffordshire cinder pij 46s OF ARRANGEMENT (To the Editor of the Staffordshire Will you kindly allow rue through the medium of your valuable paper to call the attention of those concerned to tho awfully bad gas wo ratepayers are being supplied with Luring the Federation Inquiry the Burslem rasworks was placed in a very prominent position and so keenly was its position At the Borough Police Court this (Thursday) morning before tiie Mayor (Dr Taylor) and other magistrates Robert Key (23) of Back Walls South was convicted of being drunk and disorderly in the Market-square and fined 10s including costs Whilst in custody on this charge LX Brookes found in his possession a bottle of scent Asked wliero he got it from Key replied: "I have pinohed it you find out where I stole it Harry Eyrner of 57 Corporation -street an assistant at the branch shop of Mr Marson 162 Mars! on -road said the bottle of scent was similar to one he missed from the shop at six last night When charged with the theft accused said he was drunk the previous night and he djd not know how he came in possession of the He had been previously convicted of and was sent to gaol for a month with hard labour UTTOXETKR PRODUCE A scarcity of Christmas poultry at this market and with a eood demand prices were in favour of vendors Turkevs made 91 to ls per lh alive ami Is Id to is 2d dressed secne 6d to CPI per lh adve 9d per lb Sutcliffe 37 High-street Biddulph I rnxtcc A Bates Tun stall Dated 7 and filer December 16th Unit'! £959: estimated not assets creditors £430 lie Alexander Thomas Whitehead ijhi the North Staffordshire Union and Mar'- has aeeupted the living of ftt Jho Virgin No Heath iet him by the Bishop of Lichfield i-v Vlltuo Of the living is £166 and resi- IKoiluiliN's HACKING COUGH at night i Saloat and Best 9jd and la ljd Of all Store and Licensed Dealers BURTON UNITED STOKE (Birmingham League) Stoke will be represented at Burton on Saturday next by exactly the nam clean as defeated Wolverhampton a week ago and therefore the side will be Rathboie goal Mullineux and Hutsby backs: Kelly a Pitt haif-backs Greaves Gorman McAJJaster and Alillward forwards CoTot the famous painter and his sister were joint owners of some house property in Paris One day one of the a came to Corot and said he could not pay his rent can I do for asked Corot I cannot intercede for you with my sister because not on good terms with her How- he added after a pause here is the STOKE RESERVE PORT vale first TEAM i money to pay the rent only let anyone (Mav Bank Cup) I know I have given it to The tailor after The teams to meet each other in this important this used to return periodically when his rent match a the Victoria Grounds on Saturday will be was due and obtain money from Corot I watched that it was impossible for Hanley to 6s to 7s pur ttK chickens cl run away with it But sir we have agreed 0 5 od wr couple oll JV 1- id to 4s er upon the following conditions -That if Hanley I couple rabhiU 2s per eoupb ed per score will consent to allow the works to stay at -and butter is 3d to is i Jb longport they are welcome to have the gas SAN I) BACH Wednesday- -butter is 3d per lb with8 Rs most wonderful illummtting powers eggs 7 fur ls- During the last November eloctaons this ques- to 8d per rabbits sd to tion of bad gas was raided at one of Messrs couple apples lod to is 6l per peek cabbage ed Wade and Saunders meetings held in Jack- pj ner dozen savors sd to iod per dozen sprouts field School Councillor Wade spoke of the 10j to )s per peck (tlcry Is per dozen potatoes power of the gas but the questioner said that 3s sd to 4s per load he did not know so much about the power as he had to light a candle upon one occasion LlNSFED COMPOUND" tor Cougus und Coius to try and find tho power Such is ihe state 0f 9ri aiv of the gas in Burslem and it is high time tnat ART8 S0CI1iTy eXIITBITION at tiie Gas Committee took this matter liana 0pen BOXING DAY io a to pm and gave the inhabitants a better and purer y0u cun court oo yojr aaerus is cnteriM ever Yours R- I boms in North when you place mem iu Burslem Deoember 23rd 1908 tt oolumax of the Daily Sestlael -Ah D1AUV FOB TO-DAY A celebrated 1CC named was well known on circuit as a sayer of smart things He was once accosted in the street by a stranger who said to believe sir you are Serjeant Jones sffid the KC appear to be very the artist re marked to a friend but I am not because I get half of it back from my sister as my si Ira ai Mat oa jour atvartisem*nts enterlaa ever) fcou la Narth EtaffoixRtur wM too place them fa the colnaae ef the Bake haattaaL- as o-l lows: Stoke Garry goal James and Williams len-ks Havre Harding ami Turner half-backs Hyatt Hamnett Hargreave Fielding and Williams forward? you believe that I have no hesitation in port Osborne goal Meigh and Benson backs saying you would believe and he Moss Coleman and Croxton halfbacks Eardley walked on Adrian Capes Maylaad Turner and Fieldhouse 'i Jl Del 'S Il'xspital Committee Jv'i hjstrlbutlon Longton piri'ributlon ixuigton lO Staff Pinner Vllrictlcs Time 3 0 3 30 3 12 0 (midnight) 7 9 7 9.

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