Disproportionate Minority Contact: Preparation at the Local Level - [PDF Document] (2024)

A Message From OJJDP

Addressing disproportionate minority contact (DMC) with the juvenile justice system is a core requirement of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act. More important, it is a fundamental matter of justice and fair play.

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) works proactively with States to ensure that they comply with the JJDP Act’s requirements, including DMC. This goal is pursued through a variety of means, including onsite visits, technical assistance, and national and regional training conferences.

OJJDP has trained a large number of juvenile justice professionals in the core requirements. This training provides them with information to address DMC and other significant challenges facing the juvenile justice system.

The key focus of OJJDP’s efforts to combat DMC is prevention. By preventing disproportionate minority contact with the juvenile justice system, we also will lower the rate of disproportionate minority confine­ment and enhance the administration of justice.

A companion to the latest edition of OJJDP’s Dispropor­tionate Minority Contact Technical Assistance Manual, this Bulletin describes strategies that States and com­munities can use to reduce DMC.

It is OJJDP’s hope and conviction that the information provided in this Bulletin, as well as the ongoing efforts described above, will advance that worthy end.

Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact: Preparation at the Local Level Mark Soler and Lisa M. Garry

Disproportionate minority contact (DMC) refers to the disproportionate rep­resentation of minority youth in the juvenile justice system. DMC first cameto national attention in 1988, when the Coalition for Juvenile Justice (formerlythe National Coalition of State Juvenile Justice Advisory Groups) focused on the problem in its annual report to Congress. In response to the report,Congress required that all States receiving formula grant funds address dispro­portionality among detained and confined youth. In 1992, Congress elevated DMC to a core requirement for States. Under the Juvenile Justice and Delin­quency Prevention Act of 2002, if a State fails to address the overrepresentationof minority youth in the juvenile justice system, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) may withhold 20 percent of the State’s for­mula grant allocation for the subsequent year. The Act expanded the requirementto include disproportionality at all points in the juvenile justice system.

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has long been aleader in DMC-reduction efforts, offering a wide range of training, technicalassistance, and other resources for States and localities. Recently, OJJDP added the Disproportionate Minority Contact Technical Assistance Manual, 4th Edition(see sidebar, page 8) to its Web site. The manual provides detailed guidance onall aspects of DMC reduction.

This Bulletin was written by the authors of the manual’s chapter on localpreparation. In addition to useful “how to” information (including a six-steppreparation process) drawn from the manual, the Bulletin presents importantbackground on the context in which local preparation takes place—mediacoverage and public attitudes about crime, race, and youth.

U.S. Department of Justice

Office of Justice Programs

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention


Addressing disproportionate minority contact in juvenile justice

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Jeff Slowikowski, Acting Administrator September 2009

Why Preparation Is Important

Preparation before launching a DMC-reduction effort has severalbenefits. Major benefits include—

• Establishing relationships with and among key stakeholders.

• Determining the key goals of DMC-reduction efforts.

• Identifying available data and research on DMC in the jurisdiction.

In addition, preparing locally for a DMC-reduction effort has a num­ber of specific advantages. For example, planning at the local level is less susceptible to bureaucratic and political intervention than plan­ning at the State level. Further, local stakeholders are likely to investin viable solutions aimed at particular issues in the community. Froma practical perspective, local DMC efforts place the issue closer to thedirect work of agency staff and communityleaders who either (1) closely resemble the population of youth most represented in the juvenile justice system in terms of race and ethnicity or (2) are experienced inplanning and problem-solving for a specificpopulation of youth and families in a waythat is responsive to culture and context.

Preparation at the local level is critical to understanding the roles, values, priorities,and joint missions of local stakeholders asthey begin to reduce DMC.

Talking About DMC Critical to any DMC-reduction effort isan understanding of the context in which the effort takes place.Negative public attitudes about the association between race (particularly minority races) and crime are an important part of that context. These issues form a volatile combination: they are sensitive and controversial, stereotypes are common, and opinionsare strong. However, the reality may not correspond with publicattitudes.

The most important influence on public attitudes about these issues is the media, especially local television news, which is the way most people receive information about crime in their com­munity (ABC News, 2000; Merkle, 2000). The depiction of crime,race, and youth in the media can have a significant impact on the level of motivation for and commitment to DMC intervention strategies (Braxton, 1997; McCombs and Shaw, 1993). Reports that perpetuate racial and ethnic stereotypes can raise difficultbarriers to DMC efforts (Martindale, 1996).

Public opinion research demonstrates the impact that this mediacoverage can have (Bell, 2006). At the same time, opinion researchindicates that the public has mixed views on justice system re­sponses to juvenile crime: a desire to hold young offenders

Preparation at the local level is critical to

understanding the roles, values,

priorities, and joint missions of local

stakeholders as they begin to reduce DMC.

accountable, frustration at perceived ineffectiveness of the currentsystem, and a belief that young people in trouble can change forthe better. Perhaps most important, the public is concerned aboutthe fairness of a justice system that may treat youth differentlybased on their race or ethnicity.

Public opinion polls should certainly not control policy changes and DMC efforts. However, research on these issues may help acommunity prepare to launch a DMC-reduction effort (Dorfmanand Schiraldi, 2001a, 2001b; Soler, 2001).

Crime, Race, and Youth in the Media Dorfman and Schiraldi (2001a, 2001b) examined 77 studies onhow the media report crime. The studies covered stories in localand network television news programs, newspapers, and broadcast

and print news magazines between 1910 and 2001. Their finding was clear:

“Overall, the studies taken together indicate that depictions of crime in the media are not re­flective of the rate of crime gen­erally, the proportion of crime which is violent, the proportion of crime committed by people of color, or the proportion of crime committed by young people.”

The problem is not inaccuracy of individualstories.The problem is that the cumulative effect of what is included in the news—and

what is not included—makes it seem as though crime is more frequentand more severe than is actually the case.

It is not surprising that newspapers and television emphasize and report extensively on violent crime, particularly on local televisionnews, where “if it bleeds, it leads” is an unspoken but well understoodjournalistic mantra. However, this creates a problem for DMC-reduction efforts because it contributes to the public’s erroneous impression that violent crime is a common and increasingly frequentoccurrence. In fact, the opposite is true. As Dorfman and Schiraldi report, three different studies of television news in the 1990s1 all found that homicides made up more than a quarter of the crimes reported on the evening news (27 to 29 percent) during the periods studied, while homicides accounted for only 0.1 to 0.2 percent of all arrests during the same periods. From 1990 to 1998, homicide coverage on network news increased 473 percent (Center for Mediaand Public Affairs, 2000), while the incidence of homicides decreased more than 30 percent (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2000).

Another problem for DMC-reduction efforts is that mediacoverage, particularly television news, disproportionately connects crime with race and ethnicity. The studies noted above found that

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nyder The public also

African Americans and Hispanics were overrepresented as perpe­trators in news reports, especially those involving violent crimes,and underrepresented as victims (Dorfman and Schiraldi, 2001b,table 1). Articles about homicides with African American suspects were longer than those about homicides with white suspects (Weiss and Chermak, 1998). More articles were written about white victimsof homicide than about black victims (Sorenson, Manz, and Berk,1998), and the articles about white victims were longer (Weiss and Chermak, 1998). In local television news coverage, black suspects were less likely to be identified by name than white suspects, were notas well dressed as white suspects, and were more likely to be shownbeing physically restrained.Thus, African American suspects were regularly depicted as poor, dangerous, and indistinct from othernoncriminal members of the black community (Entman, 1992).

The third problem for DMC-reduction efforts is that media cover­age disproportionately connects violent crime with young people,particularly minority youth. As Dorfman and Schiraldi note, ananalysis of 840 newspaper stories and 109 network news segments in 1993 showed that 40 percent of all newspaper stories on chil­dren and 48 percent of network television news stories on childrenwere about violence (Kunkel, 1994). A study of 3,172 youth-related stories appearing in 3 California newspapers2 in 1 yearfound that 25 percent were about youth violence, although only3 percent of young people are either violent offenders or victims of violence (McManus and Dorfman, 2000).

Minority youth may fare badly in the media. For example, as Dorfman and Schiraldi report, a study of cover stories in Time and Newsweek between 1946 and 1995 found that the term “young black male” became synonymous with the word “criminal” in the late 1960s. In later stories in the 1970s, both magazines portrayed crime as “largely perpetrated by ‘young Black males’” (Barlow, 1998).Research covering reports from 1990 to 1995 found that minorityyouth were also more likely than white youth to appear in televisionnews stories about crime (Dorfman and Woodruff, 1998).

The combination of a focus on violent crime, disproportionate linking of crime with people of color, and overrepresentation of young people(especially minority youth) in stories of criminal violence may have a significant effect on public attitudes toward crime, race, and youth.Because these attitudes are an important part of the context inwhich DMC-reduction efforts take place, those working on DMCpreparation at the local level should be aware of local media coverageof crime, race, young people, and related topics.

1 Rocky Mountain Media Watch’s 1-day snapshot of local television news in 55 markets around the country on February 26, 1997 (Klite, 1995); the Kaiser Family Foundation (1998) analyses of national television news in 1996; and Gilliam et al.’s (1996) and Gilliam and Iyenger’s (2000) studies of the evening news on KABC–TV in Los Angeles from 1993 to 1994.

2 The stories were randomly selected from the Los Angeles Times, Sacramento Bee, and San Francisco Chronicle.

Several types of stories may convey messages orreceive coverage that perpetuates racial or ethnicstereotypes.These include stories on violent crimes (especially in white neighborhoods) (Brown,2006; Fischer, 2006); police crackdowns (Stewartand Klein, 2006); statements by political candi­dates; aggressive efforts by community activists;and new studies of issues such as poverty, race,crime, “urban decay,” and “the plight of the poor”(Gans, 1995).To the extent that juvenile justice stakeholders, public officials, or other members of the community accept racial/ethnic stereotypesconveyed in the media, these stereotypes presentbarriers to DMC-reduction efforts.

Public Attitudes About Crime, Race, and Youth Of course, the media do not dictate the attitudes of individuals, and, as mentioned earlier, research indicates that members of the public have complex views on the juvenile justice system. Some of these attitudes presentadditional barriers to DMC-reduction efforts, but others provide important support. Opinionpolls consistently show that the public is veryfearful about juvenile crime (Soler, 2001). Infact, although arrests of juveniles for violentcrime decreased 33 percent from 1994 to 2003 (National Center for Juvenile Justice, 2006), the public believes that juvenile crime is increasing (Sand Sickmund, 1999; Gray, 2003; Wagner, 2003).believes that young people who break the law will commit othercrimes in the future and that the juvenile justice system is ineffec­tive in dealing with young offenders (Butts, 1999). There is wide­spread belief that the system does not hold youth accountable fortheir actions but instead lets delinquent youth back on the streets without effective interventions or rehabilitation. Moreover, the public is unsympathetic to arguments that delinquent behavior is aresult of immaturity (the “youth excuse”) (Soler, 2001). All of theseopinions present challenges for DMC-reduction efforts.

On the other hand, the public has great concern about what hap­pens to young people in the justice system. It overwhelminglysupports a focus on prevention and rehabilitation rather thanimprisonment and strongly endorses a variety of rehabilitationprograms (Steinhart, 1988; Ladd, 1997; Hart Research, 2002). The public is concerned about dangerous conditions in juvenile facilities (Amnesty International, 1998) and does not want delinquent youthincarcerated with adult inmates (Schiraldi and Ziedenberg, 2000;Coalition for Juvenile Justice, 2005). Instead, it supports programs that emphasize responsibility and accountability (e.g., victim

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reconciliation and restitution) and programs that provide adultmodels (e.g., mentoring) (Marcus, 2005; Sherman et al., 1998).

Public attitudes about race and juvenile crime are complex. Manypeople subscribe to racial stereotypes. In a national poll conducted for Building Blocks for Youth, when asked direct questions, more than one-third of respondents agreed with statements that AfricanAmerican youth are more likely to commit crimes than white youth. Black respondents were less likely to agree with the state­ments, but only slightly: at least one-quarter of black respondents agreed with the statements (Soler, 2001). Nevertheless, the publicis concerned that the justice system may treat minority youthunfairly. “Fairness” is the critical issue (Dunnaville, 2000). In the Building Blocks poll, large majorities considered the issue to beserious and supported measures to remedy unequal treatment ofminority youth, such as diversity training and new guidelines forarrest, prosecution, and sentencing.

Taking Public Attitudes Into Account: Suggestions for Local DMC Efforts These findings about public attitudes may help a jurisdictiondevelop its approaches to enlisting support for DMC-reductionefforts. They suggest that strongly held beliefs may presentchallenges to DMC interventions but that approaches maybe successful if they emphasize some basic principles of juvenile justice reform:

• Young people should be held accountable for their behavior.

• Holding young people accountable does not necessarily mean incarcerating them.

• Alternatives to incarceration are desirable, but interventions for delinquent youth should be proven to be effective.

• Having a race-neutral justice system is a matter of basic fairness.

Thus, local preparation should include research on media cover­age of crime, race, youth, and related sensitive issues to determine whether the community may have attitudes (in general or related to a particular, highly publicized incident) that DMC-reductionefforts must overcome.

With these findings in mind, people working on local DMC-reduction efforts should consider how the public may receive theirefforts in view of widespread attitudes about DMC-related issues (Schwartz, 2001; DeMuro, 1999). For example, it probably willnot be effective to argue that DMC-reduction efforts are im­portant because many minority youth come from poor homes inwhich parents have many difficulties. The argument that DMC is a matter of basic fairness—minority youth should not be treated differently in the justice system because of their race or ethnicbackground—is more likely to find support. Similarly, DMC-reduction efforts should avoid any suggestion of excusing delin­quent behavior or calling for a slap on the wrist of young people

who commit crimes. A better approach is to agree that young people should be held accountable for their misbehavior—afterall, everyone must learn from their mistakes, and everyone makes mistakes when they are young—and then discuss whether incar­ceration is the most effective way of holding youth accountable.Stakeholders, public officials, and members of the community maybe receptive to proposals for effective alternatives to incarceration,such as evidence-based intervention programs (U.S. Departmentof Health and Human Services, 2001).

Funding Sources for Local DMC Efforts

An initial issue in preparation for local DMC-reduction efforts is howto support them financially. OJJDP awards Title II Formula Grantfunds to States for system improvement and programmatic efforts aswell as technical assistance and other support for DMC-reductionand other reforms. OJJDP’s Juvenile Accountability Block Grant andTitle V Community Prevention Grant Program funds provide addi­tional financial support to States for juvenile justice reform, interven­tion, and prevention services in the area of juvenile delinquency.TitleII Formula Grant funds passed from States to communities supportthe work of the Burns Institute, described below, in many communi­ties. State and county agencies may also support DMC-reductionefforts with State or local dollars. Local foundations, particularly com­munity foundations, may be a source of funds.The Council on Foun­dations and other organizations provide information on locating and contacting community foundations. Several national foundations, suchas the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T.MacArthur Foundation, support juvenile justice reform initiatives—e.g., the Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative and the MacArthur Foundation’s Models for Change—that have DMC-reduction components.

Steps in Local Preparation

Establishing a Steering Committee Local preparation should begin with the establishment of a steer­ing committee. The committee should include key stakeholders inthe juvenile justice system, such as the chief judge in the juvenile court, chief juvenile probation officer, senior prosecutor in the juvenilecourt, senior public defender, and police captain or lieutenant in chargeof juvenile cases. It is important to have chiefs or senior officials on thecommittee to ensure that committee decisions are implemented.

The committee should also include nontraditional stakeholders (i.e.,persons with an interest in DMC from the perspective of program services rather than system policies and practices).These representa­tives are identified from community-level leadership, such as direc­tors of community groups, civil rights organizations, child advocates,parent advocates, and others in the community who are concerned with DMC issues.The committee should also include young people

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or representatives of young people who are or have been in the systemto anchor the work to the population most affected. For example, thecomposition of DMC workgroup members in Cook County, IL (South Suburbs), is exemplary in its engagement of nontraditionalstakeholders, such as community-based service providers, grass-roots leaders, and community residents. Community representativesoften understand the program and service delivery needs of youth,families, and communities in greater context. Reductions in over-representation cannot be sustained without an infrastructure of ef­fective community-based detention alternatives, diversion, and otherprograms to address and prevent youth involvement in the criminaljustice system.

Identifying Leadership DMC is a difficult issue to address, so it is critical to identifystrong leadership for the steering committee. This usually means the chief judge in the juvenile court or chief juvenile probationofficer, since they will most likely control policy changes thatmay be necessary to implement DMC reduction. Leadership byhigh-level administrators of the judicial and/or probation systemalso conveys and lends validity to the message that DMC reduc­tion is an important issue within system agencies.

Reaching Consensus The first task of the steering committee is to reach consensus onthe goals of the DMC-reduction effort and the responsibilities of participants in the effort. If the local effort will conduct its activities inconjunction with a State DMC-reduction effort, State leaders shoulduse the preparatory phase to introduce DMC as a shared vision andresponsibility of both State and local entities.This approach will incor­porate the concerns, insights, and innovations of local communities inthe broader context of statewide DMC-reduction activities.

At the early stage, this foundational step in preparation at the locallevel will be based more on dialog than on data research. Dialog among all participants on the committee will help establish con­sensus, prioritize problematic decision points, and create a sense of urgency among local leaders and stakeholder groups.

Members of the steering committee may come to the effort withdifferent expectations and understandings of the goals. The pre­paratory dialog will reveal the shared agendas and differences of position among stakeholders concerning variables contributing mostto DMC. Leadership of the steering committee should anticipate and plan for differences among stakeholders in goals, priorities, orstrategies. Creative tension helps the collaborative build consensus and trust.

Conveying a Sense of Urgency DMC reduction will not occur as an afterthought or a by-productof other initiatives. The leadership of the steering committee must

convey a sense of urgency about the issue. The members of the committee should address the following questions:

• Do the stakeholders consider DMC to be an important issue?

• Do they believe that fair and equitable treatment of minor­ity youth will improve their outcomes and, therefore, reduce concerns about public safety?

• What changes in policy are they prepared to consider to reduce DMC?

• What resources can they bring to the effort?

Conveying a sense of urgency reflects the committee’s determina­tion to search for active solutions to racial and ethnic disparities.

Setting Priorities DMC may occur at any decision point in the system—arrest,referral to juvenile court, diversion, secure detention, petition(charges filed), delinquent findings, probation placement, secure confinement, and transfer to adult court. The steering committee should lead an effort to gather available data—broken down byrace, ethnicity, gender, geography (ZIP code or census tract), and offense—at all or selected decision points (e.g., secure detention).The committee should then oversee an analysis of the data in order

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to develop interventions to reduce racial and ethnic disparities.Collecting and assessing data, creating interventions, and analyz­ing the efforts can be challenging and time-consuming. In orderto simplify the process, a committee may want to address one decision point at a time. Although committees should set priori­ties based on data, other factors—such as the level of collaboration among stakeholders, the community’s readiness for change, andavailability of resources—may drive local efforts.

Consensus, urgency, and priority are keystones of DMC prepara­tion and planning. The process may take months, or even longer,to accomplish. Local communities should not move forward until they meet these prerequisites. By the same token, whenthey meet these prerequisites, the community should acknowl­edge and celebrate them as notable successes in the DMCplanning process.

Organizing the Work by Defining Success The next step in local-level DMC-reduction preparation is defin­ing success. How do local stakeholders define success based ontheir own perspective of need and their collective experience in lo­cal juvenile justice work? Although the goal is to reduce dispropor­tionate representation at particular points in the system, there are many ways to move toward that goal, such as adopting an objective risk assessment instrument to control detention admissions, devel­oping new community-based programs and services as alternatives to secure detention, modifying police procedures to better trackcontacts with minority youth, adopting policies to reduce transferto adult criminal court, and reducing postdispositional placements in secure confinement. As with the consensus-building process,reaching agreement among stakeholders on the definition of suc­cess may be a struggle, but it is an important step.

Basic Tasks for the Steering Committee

The lessons learned from the Baltimore City DMC ReductionInitiative’s planning and preparation activities have identified the following basic tasks for the steering committee.

Articulating Local Goals and Objectives The core goals and objectives of the DMC reduction initiative inBaltimore City, MD, are to reduce over representation of youth ofcolor at the secure detention decision point by altering conditions,policies, and practices that contribute to their overrepresentationin the system and by influencing the culture and values of thesystem and community toward least-restrictive and community-based sanctions. The steering committee has clearly articulated aset of objectives, identified specific tasks, made assignments, and developed timelines for activities. The result is a tangible work-plan to which the steering committee, its staff, and consultants hold themselves accountable and by which they measure progress toward policy and practice reforms and, ultimately, DMC

reductions. Additionally, routine dissemination of the workplanto partners and community stakeholders helps to communicate the steering committee’s work, findings, and progress.

Mediating Discussions Initial discussions about the system decision points at whichdisproportionality was greatest unveiled differences of opinion and perspectives among key stakeholders within the steering com­mittee. Although some stakeholders believed that disparate lawenforcement practices resulted in the high numbers of juveniles being presented at intake, others were convinced that disparate system policies and practices following juvenile arrest were the issue and priority. Opinions differed even more when the jurisdic­tion experienced an increase in the number of difficult-to-place,postadjudicated juveniles who were in confinement, and therebyincreased disproportionality even further. Through its mediationof the DMC discussions and debates, the steering committee facilitated a shift from disagreements on the extent of dispropor­tionality at various decision points to a mutually agreeable focus on decision points where DMC-reduction victories could be gained more readily and rapidly. City stakeholders agreed that the steering committee’s influence over policies and practices at the doors of detention was greater than its influence over the publicattitudes and perceptions that were driving law enforcement prac­tices. Ultimately, DMC-reduction activities in Baltimore Citywere better served by this focus on detention rather than lawenforcement.

Keeping DMC at the Forefront of Juvenile Justice Activities

The task of keeping the issue of DMC front and center in all juve­nile justice discussions and activities in the jurisdiction is stronglytied to the principle of creating and maintaining a sense of localurgency on the issue. Early in the planning process, Baltimore City’s DMC steering group identified all other local planning and strategy initiatives that shaped and drove outcomes for youth of color who were either involved, or at risk for involvement, in the juvenile justice system. The intention was to establish racial dispar­ity as an agenda item for the other initiatives. This was accom­plished through the active involvement of DMC group members in the other initiatives to apply a “racial lens” to their planning and strategies. For example, the DMC steering committee and the other committees within Baltimore City’s detention reform initia­tive formed working partnerships to assess and redevelop deten­tion alternatives, expedite case processing, and study the nexus between the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. Through afull-time DMC coordinator in Baltimore City, the DMC steer­ing committee has taken the lead on detention utilization studiesand community capacity building to increase community-based resources that serve juveniles in less restrictive settings.

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Moving Ahead With Intervention Strategies Jurisdictions must be careful not to allow extended dialog and analyses of assessments to immobilize them so that they fail to move forward with active reduction strategies and interventions.This “analysis paralysis” is a common experience in jurisdictions that lack measurable goals and objectives and a detailed workplanto accomplish them. While the State of Maryland had been exam­ining the issue of DMC through various data analyses, reports, andconferences for several years, communities lacked viable strategies toward attainable goals. The development of its DMC workplanand the decision to hire a full-time DMC coordinator enabled the Baltimore City DMC Reduction Initiative to move beyond abstract discussion and to finally focus on the developmentand implementation of intervention strategies that addressday-to-day agency practices and increase community-basedresources and detention alternatives.

of juvenile detention, the Annie E. CaseyFoundation established the Juvenile Deten-

The Burns Institute tion Alternatives Initiative ( JDAI) in 1992.Process: Building The objectives of JDAI are to reduce the

number of children unnecessarily or inappro­priately detained, to minimize the number of

Community Momentum

The W. Haywood Burns Institute is a youth who fail to appear in court or reoffend national organization working with lo- pending adjudication, to redirect public funds cal jurisdictions to reduce the dispro­ toward successful reform strategies, and to portionate representation of minority improve conditions of confinement. As mi-youth in their juvenile justice systems nority youth are consistently overrepresented using a data-driven, consensus-based in juvenile detention facilities, the eliminationprocess model that engages both tradi­ of disparate treatment and decisionmakingtional and nontraditional stakeholders. for these youth is a core JDAI strategy. OtherThe Institute has a range of services to core strategies include collaboration, relianceassist jurisdictions in reducing racial on data, objective admissions screening, alter-disparities in the juvenile justice sys­tem, from consulting to intensive engagement.

The Institute model requires the active commitment and participa­tion of the key traditional and nontraditional stakeholders in the juvenile justice system in each site. This includes judges, prosecu­tors, public defenders, police, probation, school officials, politicalleaders, service providers, and community groups. The Institute leads these stakeholders through a process that focuses specificallyand intentionally on reducing DMC.

Without a committed and intentional approach to reducingDMC, jurisdictions often lose momentum because of changes instakeholders, inconsistent approaches, and short attention spans.To ensure that sites stay focused, the Institute has developed amanual and workbook to guide them through the process. The Institute’s model of Intensive Site Engagement calls for stakehold­ers to develop a workplan and to meet monthly to move it forward.The model requires each site to hire a full-time local coordinator to

lead the process. In addition, an Institute staff member is assigned to each site, attends all local meetings, and is available for the localsite coordinator and stakeholders to contact for technical assis­tance and guidance. Site coordinators from each of the Institute sites meet twice yearly to compare best practices and are available year-round for consultation with one another. The Institute also provides a Readiness Assessment Consultation to enable a site to assess its readiness to address DMC. In 2006, the Institute worked in Baltimore, MD; Louisville, KY; Pima County, AZ; Cook Coun­ty (Lawndale and South Suburbs), IL; St. Clair County, IL; PeoriaCounty, IL; San Francisco, CA; San Jose, CA; and Seattle, WA.

The Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative: Changing the System

To demonstrate that jurisdictions can establish more effective and efficient systems to accomplish the purposes

natives to secure detention, expedited case processing, interventions for special detention cases (e.g., probation violations), and rigorous facility inspections.

In May 2005, the Foundation began developing system assessmentframeworks for sites participating in JDAI.The frameworks provide astructured, content-specific way for local jurisdictions to examine theirdetention policies, practices, and programs and to gauge progress inJDAI’s eight core strategies for detention reform.

As part of this process, the Foundation and the Burns Institute de­veloped a framework for viewing the JDAI core strategies “through aracial lens.” This JDAI Core Strategies Matrix can help jurisdictions toexamine detention policies, practices, and programs and can also serveas a workplan to help jurisdictions accomplish the following:

• Structure a diverse DMC-reduction collaborative that has au­thority, common agendas, shared responsibilities, and communityrepresentation.

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• Rely on both quantitative and qualitative data to assess and reform detention utilization and to determine the most effective allocation and placement of community resources.

• Eliminate intentional and unintentional biases in detention admission screening.

• Develop culturally and racially competent detention alternatives.

• Equalize case processing at all system decision points to mini­mize delay and ensure equity in the judicial process.

• Address disparate handling of special detention cases (e.g., writs, warrants, violations of probation).

• Ensure that confinement conditions are acceptable and competent.

The JDAI Core Strategies Matrix supports the more than 80 JDAIsites around the country when they examine system practices. The matrix is also useful to non-JDAI jurisdictions that are planning orexpanding DMC-reduction initiatives and developing workplans for racially equitable juvenile justice systems.

This Bulletin includes a draft section from the JDAI Core Strate­gies Matrix (see pages 10–11). The full matrix is included in chap­ter 3 of OJJDP’s online Disproportionate Minority Contact TechnicalAssistance Manual, 4th Edition (see sidebar).


This Bulletin outlines minimum core steps for local jurisdictions to prepare to engage in DMC-reduction activities. Additional pre­paratory steps will be unique to the specific climate for system re­form in each particular site. Public attitudes and beliefs about race,crime, and youth, and key decisions by key juvenile justice system stakeholders reflect that climate. Engaging in preparatory activitiespresents an important opportunity for local leaders to develop con­crete strategies toward measurable DMC-reduction results.


ABC News. 2000. Large majorities of Americans say the news media influence their perceptions about crime. May 31–June 4.Republished on Public Agenda Online. Accessed January 9,2007, at www.publicagenda.com/issues/pcc_detail.cfm?issue_type=crimeandlist=4.

Amnesty International USA. 1998. Betraying the young—Children in the U.S. justice system. Accessed online November 28,2006, at www.amnestyusa.org/regions/americas/document.do?id=50F375DF4236C3BA80256900006931A1.

Barlow, M.H. 1998. Race and the problem of crime in Time and Newsweek cover stories, 1946–1995. Social Justice 25:149–182.

Bell, J. 2006. Correcting the system of unequal justice. In The Covenant with Black America. Chicago, IL: Third World Press, pp. 49–69.

Disproportionate Minority Contact Technical Assistance Manual, 4th Edition OJJDP’s online Disproportionate Minority Contact Technical Assistance Manual, 4th Edition, provides detailed guidance on DMC identification and monitoring, assessment, inter­vention, and evaluation. Its intended audience is juvenile justice specialists, members of State planning agencies and State advisory groups, DMC researchers and consultants, and policymakers and practitioners involved in the juvenile justice system at the State and local levels.

The manual incorporates lessons learned in DMC efforts over the years. It brings States and localities the latest information and tools for understanding and effectively addressing disproportionate minority representation in the juvenile justice system. Electronic publication of the manual offers important benefits, including:

Wide distribution.•

Hyperlinks for instant access to related materials. •

Annual updates: new information, resources, and • examples of effective DMC-reduction strategies.

Access the manual at www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojjdp/ dmc_ta_manual/index.html.

Braxton, G. 1997. Ratings vs. crime rates: Putting L.A.’s changingnumbers into perspective. Los Angeles Times ( June 4):A1.

Brown, D.L. 2006. Fear’s neighbors: Violent crime is no stranger to one side of the city, now it’s crossed the line. The Washington Post ( July 19):C01.

Butts, J.A. 1999. Youth Violence: Perception Versus Reality. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.

Center for Media and Public Affairs. 2000. The media at the millen­nium: The networks’ top topics, trends, and joke targets of the 1990s.Media Monitor 14(4):1–6.

Coalition for Juvenile Justice. 2005. Childhood on Trial: The Failure of Trying and Sentencing Youth in Adult Criminal Court. Washington, DC: Coalition for Juvenile Justice.

DeMuro, P. 1999. Consider the alternatives: Planning and implement­ing detention alternatives. In Pathways to Juvenile Detention Reform.Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation.

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Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative Core Strategies Matrix

Collaboration Issue What We’re Looking For,

Why This Is Important Review, Observe,

and Interview Major

Findings Best Practices,

Recommendations Authority • Is there an official imprimatur that reducing racial disparities is

an explicit responsibility of the JDAI collaborative?

Composition • Does the collaborative reflect the diversity of the kids and families involved in your juvenile justice system?

• Do we have the decisionmakers sitting at the table with the appropriate community representatives?

• Does the collaborative effort include representatives of the impacted neighborhoods of color?

• Are civil rights advocates at the table?

• Are community-based service providers at the table?

Organizing • The intentionality and infusion of the racial lens needs to be the work driven in unison with decisionmakers and communities of


• Is the current configuration (e.g., work group, ad hoc committee) working?

• Is each subcommittee held accountable for contributions to reducing racial disparities?

• Common challenges are: “work groups” working in a silo, which are expected to “fix” the problem..

Creating a • Are discussions regarding disproportionality undertaken with safe place respect and tolerance?

• Are the discussions mainly finger-pointing sessions?

• Are deliberations based on facts and supported by data or impressions?

• Have efforts been made to ensure equal and full participation in the discussions and deliberations?

| 1 0 Disproportionate Minority Contact

| 1 0 Disproportionate Minority Contact

Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative Core Strategies Matrix (continued)

Collaboration Issue What We’re Looking For,

Why This Is Important Review, Observe,

and Interview Major

Findings Best Practices,

Recommendations Forging a Do members of the collaborative, including work group members • common if relevant, have a common understanding of, and embrace, the agenda same agenda: detention as the entry point to the reduction of

racial disparities?

• Members of the collaborative understand that the work entails changing policies and practices under the control of their juvenile justice system.

• Members of the collaborative reach a consensus on the use of detention in their jurisdiction.

• A shared value that pretrial detention should not be used as either punishment or treatment.

Disaggregating Baseline data of youth ages 10–17, disaggregated by race, ethnic­• data by race and ity, gender, and geography, should be collected as a foundation to ethnicity identify the disproportionality and to commence the discussion.

• Has the collaborative compared the percentage of youth of color in the juvenile justice system with the percentage of minorities in the general youth population? All ensuing data collection—e.g., admissions by reason, risk assessment instrument (RAI) screen­ing, RAI overrides, length of stay (LOS), average daily population (ADP), use of alternatives to detention—should be disaggregated by race/ethnicity/gender/geography.

• Routine management reports present basic utilization statistics by race/ethnicity/gender to enable stakeholders to identify dis­parities and to assess trends and change policies and practices.

Detention • One of the first steps in planning for reform is to document how utilization detention is currently used through careful data collection and study analysis. A thorough description of recent trends and current

practices in detention utilization provides the foundation for the problem identification and analysis, as well as the subsequent development of change strategies. The detention utilization study should provide the collaborative with a quantitative picture of how detention use varies for different categories of youth.

Geocoding • Identify the target area(s), i.e., the geographic area(s) contrib­and community uting the highest number of kids in detention. mapping • Map the community assets, including community-based

organizations currently providing services to youth and their families in the target neighborhoods.

• Identifying the target neighborhoods and mapping community-based services will assist in informing strategies for effective and efficient alternatives to detention.

Routine • Using data to monitor progress toward reducing racial disparities management and disproportionate minority confinement. The JDAI quarterly reports reports are an example of fundamental management reports. As

the data from the reports raise questions, further data queries should be developed to dig deeper and acquire clarity...

Qualitative • Digging deeper generally leads to going “behind the data” analysis to look at individual policies and practices to clarify reasons

behind the statistics.

• What are the practices or policies contributing to the statistical disproportionality?

Comprehensive • Is the community informed of the state of racial disparities/ annual analysis of DMC on an annual basis in your jurisdiction? racial disparities • Annual reports developed by the system partners help keep

eyes on the prize and promote accountability and transparency.

Disproportionate Minority Contact 1 1 |

U.S. Department of Justice

Office of Justice Programs *NCJ~218861* Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Washington, DC 20531

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Bulletin NCJ 218861

Acknowledgments Mark Soler is Executive Director at the Center for Children’s Law and Policy inWashington, DC. Lisa M. Garry was the Baltimore City DMC Coordinator inBaltimore, MD, and is currently DMC Policy Director at the Center for Children’s Law and Policy.

The authors are deeply indebted to Sarah Boyle, Saint Louis University School of Lawsummer intern, for her excellent research for this Bulletin.

Share With Your Colleagues Unless otherwise noted, OJJDP publications are not copyright protected. We encour­age you to reproduce this document, share it with your colleagues, and reprint it inyour newsletter or journal. However, if you reprint, please cite OJJDP and the authorsof this Bulletin. We are also interested in your feedback, such as how you received acopy, how you intend to use the information, and how OJJDP materials meet yourindividual or agency needs. Please direct your comments and questions to:

Juvenile Justice ClearinghousePublication Reprint/FeedbackP.O. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849–6000 800–851–3420 301–519–5600 (fax)Web: tellncjrs.ncjrs.gov

This Bulletin was prepared under grant number 2004–JL–FX–0083 from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention(OJJDP), U.S. Department of Justice.

Points of view or opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position orpolicies of OJJDP or the U.S. Department of Justice.

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance; the Bureau of Justice Statistics; the Community Capacity Development Office; the National Institute of Justice; the Office for Victims of Crime; and the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART).

For information about other OJJDP programs, go to


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Disproportionate Minority Contact: Preparation at the Local Level - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is a disproportionate minority contact? ›

The term Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) refers to rates of contact with the juvenile justice system among juveniles of a specific minority group that are significantly different from rates of contact for white non-Hispanic juveniles.

What are the major factors contributing to disproportionate minority contact? ›

Perhaps the most easily understood contributing mechanism to disproportionate minority contact is “differential selection,” the notion that decision-makers in the juvenile justice system (think professionals like police officers, juvenile probation officers and judges) treat youth of color more harshly than European- ...

What are some factors that might explain disproportionate minority contact and disproportionate sentencing? ›

Jurisdictional differences, various police practices, punitive juvenile crime legislation, and racial and ethnic-based biases all play a role in creating race disparities.

How can we reduce disproportionate minority contact in the juvenile justice system promising practices? ›

Common practices and emerging strategies for effectively lowering DMC rates include: (a) data review and decision-point mapping; (b) cultural competency training; (c) increasing community-based detention alternatives; (d) removing decision-making subjectivity; (e) reducing barriers to family involvement; and (f) ...

What are the four types of minority groups? ›

Minority group membership is typically based on differences in observable characteristics or practices, such as: ethnicity (ethnic minority), race (racial minority), religion (religious minority), sexual orientation (sexual minority), or disability.

What are the 5 minority group characteristics? ›

Characteristics of Minority Groups
  • Unequal treatment and lack of power over their lives.
  • Specific physical or cultural traits like skin color or language.
  • Involuntary membership in the minority group.
  • Awareness of being a subordinate.
  • High rate of marriage within their own group.
Jan 18, 2023

What is one possible solution to disparity sentencing? ›

Techniques for reducing sentencing disparity include the self-regulation of judicial discretion, legislative orientation for sentencing policy, and guideline systems.

What are some factors that contribute to the disproportionate treatment of some minorities in the US criminal justice system? ›

Three Key Sources of Racial Inequality Within the Criminal Legal System and Select Reforms
  • Laws and policies hold disparate racial impact. ...
  • Racial bias influences criminal legal practitioners' use of discretion.
Dec 7, 2023

What stages of the juvenile justice process are most important in generating disproportionate treatment of children of color? ›

Stages generating disproportionate treatment: Arrest and police discretion, charging and prosecution, detention and pretrial decisions, sentencing and disposition contribute to disproportionate treatment of children of color in the Juvenile Justice process.

What are the factors contributing to disproportionate representation of minority students in special education? ›

Influencing Factors

There are specific factors that can contribute to the disproportionate representation in special education. Two of those factors are test bias and teacher training. Test bias refers to the way that a test can be created to systematically favor some test takers over others.

What is disproportionate minority contact and its prevalence in juvenile justice? ›

This means that black juveniles are twice as likely to be arrested as white juveniles. This ratio has persisted as overall juvenile arrest rates have fallen.

What are some factors that contribute to racial disproportionality in the current child welfare system? ›

Racial bias and discrimination exhibited by individuals (e.g., caseworkers, mandated reporters) Child welfare system factors (e.g., lack of resources for families of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, caseworker characteristics)

What is disproportionate representation? ›

Being disproportionately represented refers to the unequal or unfair amount of people who are grouped in a category. In special education, there is a disproportionate representation of students of color and those who come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

What does DMC mean in court? ›

Disproportionate minority contact (DMC) refers to the disproportionate representation of ethnic, racial and linguistic minority youth in the juvenile court system.

What is ethnic disproportionality? ›

The over-representation of people from minority ethnic communities in the youth justice system is referred to as ethnic disproportionality.

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