naruto x fem sasuke Chapter 1 - 1 (2024)

Chapter One

Naruto's life was ALMOST perfect at this point. They had won the war. Madara had been defeated. Suki was no longer a Criminal Ninja and Naruto was very close to achieving his dream of becoming Hokage. Kakashi had chosen him to be his successor.

So what was missing? Well more like who was missing? Suki. She'd gone on a Journey of Redemption. He'd asked to go with her but she had told him,"You have nothing to do with my sins."Then for God knows what reason, she had flicked his forehead and walked off. That was almost three years ago.

"Hey, Kakashi Sensei. Sakura said you wanted to see me?" Naruto heads into the silver haired Hokage's office.

"Yes. You might want to sit down for this." Kakashi shakes his head.

"That bad?" Naruto questions.

"Well, I'm not sure that it's bad so much as…unexpected." The Sixth Hokage sighs as he looks anywhere, but at Naruto.

"What's going on?" Naruto was starting to get nervous.

"Well the good news is Suki is back. She's fine, physically. Emotionally, well that's another story." He replies.

"What's wrong with her?!" Naruto demands to know.

"The Council is forcing her hand. I argued on her behalf of course, but they are still rather uneasy about the thought of her returning to the village. The fact that she did a lot of good while traveling, does help. It's not enough to reassure them that she's not going to become a female Madara later down the line though." Kakashi continues.

"So what happened? Are they seriously kicking her out of the village?! She helped to save the world!" Naruto growls.

"No, they aren't kicking her out. They are giving her an option. They want insurance that if she snaps, someone will be able to stop her. As you are the only person that we know of, who can match her in battle…that person would be you." His former Sensei sighs.

"I don't get it. So they want me to babysit her or something?" He asks in confusion.

"I suppose you could look at it that way. They want you to be with her at all times. If she is to get a full pardon and be accepted back into the village, she has to marry. They want her to marry you. As her husband, you would be living with her. You could watch her. They'd feel safer." He states.

"…You're joking, right?" The blue eyed man inquires cautiously.

"I'm not. They are also rather fearful about the possibility of her restoring her clan. I suppose they figure you two are far more likely to kill each other than to make babies. So that's another factor." He adds as an afterthought.

"They want me to marry Suki…so she won't have kids?!" Naruto snarls.

"That is one of the major factors, yes. Unfortunately, it's out of my hands. You can both refuse, but she won't be allowed back into the village. They will also take her to trial at an International Court and likely have her executed. They fear her that much." He frowns at the very thought.

"So if I don't marry her, they are basically going to try to KILL her?!" The blonde seethes with rage, his eyes bleed red, his teeth take on a menacing sharpness, and the violent chakra of Kurama surrounds him.

"That's about the size of it, I'm afraid. If it went to trial, I would argue for her and so would many of the people she helped on her journey. There's a chance we could prevent an execution, but she would still be exiled. It's unlikely that other ninja villages would risk taking her in. So her official career as a ninja would be over." He further explains.

"This isn't right! She's been doing so much better! She helped people. Now they want to kill her or deny her the possibility of having a family?! If it wasn't for her, they'd all be dead!" Naruto was practically screaming now.

"I know that. They know that, but yelling isn't going to change anything." Kakashi tells him.

"Does she know?" The future Hokage looks at Kakashi.

"She knows." The other man nods.

"And the village is still in one piece?!" Naruto couldn't believe this.

Naruto had a hard time imagining that she had taken the news so well. This was Suki. She had a temper that could literally level mountains. He knew that if he was in her place right now, fur would be flying.

"Yes. She's been…restrained for time being. She's immune to most poisons, but not to chakra blockers." Kakashi explains.

"They darted her with chakra blockers?! Is she okay?" Naruto demands to know.

Naruto twitches. This was getting worse and worse. Bad enough they threaten her with a choice between her life and freedom, now they were drugging her?! What was wrong with these people?

"She's…fine. Well as much as can be expected given the circ*mstances." Kakashi replies.

"I want to see her now. Where is she?" The younger man asks.

"She's at the Academy. The kids are already out of school and Iruka wouldn't be there this late in the evening. She's waiting for you. I told her that I was going to let you know…about all of this. The Council didn't mind her going to the Academy since she can't use her chakra right now and as I said, no one else is there at this hour." The silver haired man explains.

"Thanks!" Naruto races off towards the Academy.

Suki sighs at the Academy. The brunette had found her old desk and sat down in it. It was funny, after all these years she still remembered exactly where she sat that day.

Suki had been minding her own business. Today, was supposedly an important day. It was the day their teams would be assigned.

The youngest Uchiha didn't particularly care who she was placed with. She just hoped that they didn't slow her down. Her only concern was making Itachi pay for what he had done to their family. That night was always on her mind. She had to get stronger, so she could avenge them all, and her family could finally rest in peace.

"What are you doing, sitting on the desk? Loser." Suki remembered saying as she saw a blonde sitting on the desk, well more like crouching.

He was looking at her so intensely. He seemed almost angry, but more frustrated than anything. Well he was glaring at her, so she glared right back!

"They're stupid. I'm not. That's why I'm special. Now, get out of my face!" She growled at him.

That's when someone pumped them together. Their lips connected. It was known asThe Kissing Incidentand would later become one of the Academy's greatest WTF moments.

They were both in shock. Their eyes had widen to comical levels. Quickly, they broke apart and pretended to gag.

Naruto had to race out of the classroom. Most of his male classmates weren't happy that he "stole" Suki's first kiss. Serves him right!

She watched as the other boys chased after him with pleasure. Finally, they were being useful. Though the youngest Uchiha couldn't help but bring her hand to her lips.

They still tingled from the "kiss." It was a strange feeling, but a good one. She tried to shake it off. It hadn't been a real kiss. Their lips smashed together and their teeth had clashed more than anything. So why did it still feel good afterwards?

She couldn't help but laugh at the memory. It had been so long ago, but it would forever be burned into her mind. While she had been furious about the incident back then, it was now one of her few happy memories.

"You're laughing. After what Kakashi told me, I didn't expect that. You okay?" A few minutes later, Naruto cautiously approaches her after opening the door.

Naruto was honestly stunned. He'd never actually heard Suki laugh before in a way that wasn't psychotic. It sounded like bells when she was actually happy.

She'd always had an amazing voice. It reminded Naruto of silk. He remembered as a kid purposely trying to piss her off, just to get her to talk more. So maybe he shouldn't be surprised she had a beautiful laugh.

"I was just remembering something. Did Kakashi tell you everything?" She asks cautiously.

"That the Council wants to force you to marry me or they'll try to get you executed after some rigged trial? Yeah. Why'd you want to meet at the Academy anyway?" Naruto asks, trying to lessen the tension in the room.

"I thought it was fitting. This is where it all began. This is where we met. So I figured it would be a good place for closure." She informs him.

"Closure? Wait, you don't think that I'm seriously going to let them execute you, do you?!" She was out of her mind.

"No. I know you won't let them. You'll try your best to save me. It is what you always do, no matter how stupid it is. But in the end, you'll lose this time. This isn't the battlefield. This is politics. You don't know how this game is played. I do. I might as well pick out my gravestone." She mutters.

She smiles grimly. It was what he would do. Naruto was a force of nature. He actually believed in happy endings. The blonde seemed to think he could make everything right just through sheer force of will. And so far, that had largely worked for him.

Not this time though. She just wanted him to accept what was going to happen. She had. But she didn't want him to blame himself. Knowing Naruto that was a very real possibility.

Naruto growls. His eyes turn red, the whisker marks on his cheeks grew more jagged, and his teeth sharper. Suki could feel the menacing edge to his chakra now. That had apparently been the wrong thing to say.

"Naruto. Calm down." Suki had the gall to tell him.

"I don't want to hear you talk like that ever again! Your dying is NOT something to joke about." He hisses in outrage.

"Naruto, get off of me or we will both meet our deaths together." She warns him.

"No. You need to listen! I'm not going to let you run off again, before I've said what I have to say." The blonde thunders at her.

"Fine. Just say it." Suki relents and turns her head away from him, she was not going to look into those beautiful blue, accusing eyes.

"This is going to sound really strange, considering everything…" Naruto begins.

"Pft, please. When have we EVER been normal?" She "encourages" him to continue in her own unique way.

"Yeah, while we are on the subject of being normal…I have my new arm. It's a little weird since his skin was darker than mine, but it works the same as my old one. I asked Tsunade to keep your replacement arm, just in case you changed your mind." He trails off.

"I don't want it." She shakes her head.

"Why not? I swear it hurts at first, but you've had much worse. It takes some getting used to, but eventually you won't be able to tell the difference. Well except for coloration. Yeah, it's going to look really weird compared to the rest of your skin tone. You've never really cared about your looks before though. So I don't think that would matter." He reasons.

"Naruto, you are babbling. What were you going to say?" She asks in amusem*nt.

"You don't have to go through the trial. We could…you know." He says.

"I'm not sure, but I think you just proposed to me." Suki blinks.

"Yeah. Sorta. I mean if it's that or risking you dying, I'm going with the marriage option. I mean they clearly just want us to live together so I can watch you. That's not so bad. It's not like they actually care if we are…together together." He says.

"So you are asking for a legal marriage that is essentially nothing more than playing house?" Suki was now looking at him like he had grown a second head.

"Something like that…I mean if you are okay with it." He tells her.

"I'm not okay with it. After everything that I put you through, I can't steal that from you. I can't steal your chance at a REAL marriage. I can handle the trial. If I lose, that's fine. I've made my peace with it. You should too." She answers softly.

"It's not stealing, if I'm offering. Besides, what if I don't want a real marriage? I want you to live. I'm not losing you after everything that happened because of a bunch of old cowards trying to get you executed on a technicality. You've done so much good since the end of the war. You've more than paid for your crimes. They shouldn't keep punishing you." He murmurs.

He'd never understand it. How could she make him want to strangle her and protect her at the same time. Well he knew. It was because she was Suki.

The blonde hadn't seen her in a couple of years, so he takes this chance to drink in the sight of her. Her hair was longer now, reaching well passed her shoulders and black as night. Suki's skin was an exotic ivory cream color. Her eyes were darker than coal without the Sharingan and framed elegantly by her long lashes. Even without an arm and knowing that she was just as likely to kill them as look at them, she still had a flock of admirers.

"Do you realize how messed up we are? I tried to kill you and now you are proposing to me. Me, the person who caused you nothing but pain since you were kid." She points out.

"Yeah, it is pretty messed up and that is NOT true. You haven't just caused me pain. Yeah, it hurt when we left. Yes, our fights were vicious. But it wasn't just pain. You're my best friend." He tells her and caresses her cheek soothingly.

Despite herself, she felt herself leaning into his touch. Naruto was Naruto. He was always going to try to save her and everyone no matter what.

It was just who he was. That was exactly why agreeing to marry him was the most selfish thing she'd ever do. He deserved better than her.

"Alright. I made my peace with dying, but that doesn't mean I want to. If you are dumb enough to agree to marry me, then who am I to stop you?" She says with a smirk.

"Great! You know I've always wanted to see your District." He adds as an afterthought.

"Are you ever going to stop that annoying habit of yours in finding a silver lining in everything?" She asks in amusem*nt.

"Nope! Never." He answers her.

She smiles. Naruto would always be Naruto. She couldn't help but notice he'd changed a lot in the passed couple years. Suki wasn't blind. Those biceps were new and she could feel the muscle in his frame holding her down. His hair was still golden but now it was growing in a style that resembled the Fourth and his eyes were still his most noticeable feature, like the sky on a sunny summer's day. He had sun kissed skin. The blonde was just naturally tan, she decided. He was also now…over a head taller than her. That last part was a bit frustrating.

"Get off of me. We have tell Kakashi the "good news." She says sarcastically.

"Yeah. Hey, Suki what kind of cake do you like?" He questions.

"That was random." She replies.

"Well if we are getting married, there's obviously going to be a cake. It's tradition." The blonde informs her.

"Naruto, all we need to do is sign the marriage license with our chakra. A ceremony isn't necessary and it'd be awkward." She reasons.

"What? Oh no. You are NOT talking your way out of this one. It's probably going to be my only chance to see you in a dress. Besides, I'm next in line to be Hokage. It's kinda a big deal. If we don't invite the other Kages and Daimyos to our wedding, they'll feel insulted." He points out.

"Dammit. I guess you're right." She concedes.

"Yup! Geez things would have been so much easier if you had figured that out years ago." He smiles cheerfully.

"And they'd also be easier if you got your fat ass off of me." She rolls her eyes.

"I am not fat!" He says.

"You're right. That wasn't fair. You're heavy. Muscle weighs more than fat. You've got at least thirty f*cking pounds on me. Now move it." She was tempted to smack him.

"That's because A) I'm a guy. Guys are heavier than guys usually. B) I'm taller. C) You are tiny." Naruto responds.

"What'd you just call me?!" Suki says, twitching.

"Tiny. You are as light as a feather and barely reach my chin." He answers her, enjoying her look of raw fury.

"Well this tiny woman can kick your damn ass." She scoffs.

"Doesn't bother me. Makes that whole carrying you over the threshold thing easier." He teases her, knowing that he was just asking for it now.

"There is absolutely no way in Hell." She informs him, not even bothering to finish that sentence.

"It's tradition." He laughs.

"It. Is. Stupid. I can walk just fine." The raven haired woman shrugs.

"I guess we have the whole bickering like an old married couple thing down, huh?" Naruto apparently couldn't stop laughing.

"Yeah." Neither could Suki.

"Wow." He stares at her.

"What?" She asks suddenly wary.

"I think that's the second time, I've ever heard you laugh. You know it in a not homicidal, I'm going to kill you sort of way." He answers her.

"Oh. Guess you are right." The Uchiha smiles in realization.

"Do it again." He nods at her.

"Naruto, I can't laugh on command. Don't be stupid." She scoffs.

"But I liked it." He says in such an adorable way, that Suki couldn't hide a small smile.

"If you are lucky, you might hear it again in another decade or so." Suki couldn't resist teasing him either.

"Oh that's it. We are practicing the threshold thing!" He says and gets up, scooping her up into his arms bridal style.

"Naruto! Put me down!" She growls at him.

"Nope. I was trying to be nice but you had to be mean." He says.

"I swear to God Naruto, if you don't put me down right now…" She starts to say and decides to let his imagination finish the threat.

"You know, this would be about the time having TWO arms would come in handy, huh?" He taunts her.

"You are such an asshole!" She snarls at him and tries to wiggle out of his hold.

"I learned from the best. Suki, stop struggling. Sheesh you are like that damn cat we rescued as Genin." He tells her.

"Who could blame that cat? That woman was horrible." Suki murmurs.

"Yeah. That's true." He admits.

Suki was determined though. Naruto had to hand it to her. She was stubborn. But he had a couple advantages. The first is he had two arms. The second is…he'd always had the edge in raw strength and stamina. Suki was better with chakra control and speed.

"I'll get the damn arm. I'm not letting you pull something like this again." She murmurs and looks up at him.

"Good!" He grins at this news.

"Uh huh. Can you put me down now? This is embarrassing." She squirms.

"Nope. You are still on thin ice for that gravestone and no laughing crack." He informs her.

Suki sighs. Naruto was the most stubborn person she'd ever met. Screw it. She lets him carry her to see Kakashi.

It was oddly soothing, Suki notes a few minutes later. Naruto had his strong arms wrapped around her tightly, but not too tightly. She felt protected and cared for. The last Uchiha was beginning to remember why she had enjoyed piggyback rides with Itachi as a child.

"See? It's not so bad, is it?" He asks once he realizes that Suki had finally stopped struggling against his hold like a cornered cat.

Suki had long ago discovered that Naruto's was like a furnace. He was always so warm. Which was a welcome respite from the unforgiving winter winds that were currently blowing on this cold night.

His scent was also reassuring somehow. She never did identify what it was. The brunette had just decided to file it under the category of earthy. It was purely Naruto.

"It's okay." She murmurs.

Naruto shakes his head and walks into Kakashi's office. Kakashi blinks but chuckles when he sees Suki being carried bridal style by Naruto. Well…he supposed that deep down he had always known the two would end up killing each other or screwing like rabbits.

It was a pity that Jirayia was dead. He was certain if they ever actually acknowledged their feelings went deeper than friendship, it would have given the man great material for a new book. With Suki's Sharingan and Naruto's shadow clones…it'd make for an exciting read.

"I take it that…there's going to be a wedding?" He asks.

"Yeah. Definitely the most unconventional marriage proposal ever…but Suki agreed to get the arm." He says cheerfully.

"Probably because she couldn't get out of your hold without it." Kakashi muses.

"Exactly." Suki agrees.

"Do you want the arm before or after the wedding?" The silver haired ninja asks.

"Definitely before. Naruto's got this dumb idea that he's going to carry me over the threshold." She says.

"Well it is tradition." Kakashi replies.

"EXACTLY! See?" Naruto says smugly.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." Suki sighs.

"I don't know why you are protesting. You seem rather comfortable." Kakashi muses.

"FIREBALL JUTSU!" Suki says and blows a fireball at Kakashi.

"You are going to have your hands full with her." The Hokage says.

"Yeah, I know." Naruto replies.

"Hmpf." Suki says and tilts her head to the side, not looking at either of them.

"Well if you are getting a new arm, that's going to take several months for you to get used to it. So I wouldn't say the wedding would be until June at the earliest. I suppose it does give you plenty of time to plan and try to figure out how not to kill each other." Kakashi observes.

"Yeah. Guess so. Better start packing up my stuff." Naruto mutters.

"And you are not wearing orange to our wedding." Suki informs him.

"What's wrong with orange?" He asks.

"…Seriously? You have to ask that? Well at least one good thing will come out of this. You'll have a better wardrobe." She says and smacks her forehead.

Kakashi chuckles. Some things never changed. Suki and Naruto were always going to fight like cats and dogs. It didn't matter if it was over something trivial such as fashion choices or something as important as the fate of the Leaf Village…it was just a fact of life. He had no idea how they weren't going to kill each other. One thing was for damn sure though, the Leaf would never be the same

naruto x fem sasuke Chapter 1 - 1 (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.