Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Lafayette, Indiana

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Thursday Evening January 25 1951 Gophers Sign esler i As Head Grid Coach MINNEAPOLIS Jan 24 JAP) Wes esler who won gridiron fameat Ohio State came out of a six week retirement today to become head football coach at the University of Minnesota esler has a three year contract at the annual salary of 14000 To assist him in the job from which the veteran Bernie Bierman resigned during the last season A LITS JE IVE TO SECOND roebel Makes Clean Sweep 7 or Top Berth As Broncos Replace New Albany By DALE BURGESS 'INDIANAPOLIS Jan 24 (AP) Gary Blue Devils made another clean sweep of first place esler is bringing Lyal Clark and Dick isher Ohio State line and backfield coaches respectively esler resigned from the Ohio State head coaching position Dec 9 saying his health could not stand the strain of trying to win every game He became a real es tate salesman in Columbus Ohio DID NOT APPLY In Columbus esler said Minne sota had approached him "a week or so for the job He told a newsman he did not apply for the post Asked why he decided to re sume coaching esler said: can't take 19 years of ex votes today in the weekly Asso ciated Press poll for ranking Indiana school bas JJcetball teams East Chicago Washington 53 37 winner over Hammond Tech Tues day will carry the No 4 rating into its game at roebel riday In between are Lafayette No 2 and New Albany No 3 New Albany and Muncie Cen tral ranked No 7 stayed in the Big Ten in spite of defeats last New Albany had dropped a game to Evansville Memorial which appeared in the Big Ten for the first time in ninth place 2 Muncie Central lost to Ander son and Bedford by a total mar gin of three points 7 The scribes apparently discount ed the New Albany and Central defeats to some extent because both were short handed New Al 'bany operated without Paul Poff its star guard Muncie lost tall Charlie Ross with a fist busted rib in the Anderson game and use him against Bedford Urr 3irkLUrj They the only duffs that have been thrown off stride by the absence of single players Tthis season Winslow rated No 14 lost its opening game to Hol land when Gary Alley was out of the lineup It now has a 14 2 record Washington Clay of St Joseph county dropped a couple of games while huge Don Schlundt was in jured It has won nine of the ten since he returned 1 rankfort rated No 6 state wide was pressed to defeat Ross ville Tuesday night 54 51 Joe Ruch regular rankfort forward was out with the flu MARION EIGHTH Glenn shooting for a repeat triumph in the Wabash Valley tourney this week end was rated No 5 Marion 55 41 winner over Wabash Tuesday night is No 8 Madison New riday night opponent tied for tenth place with Indianapolis Tech and Princeton The ranking with games won games lost and rating points (1000 possible) I PtR 0 Decatur is considered doubt Pitcher Sold 2 1 0 3 4 3 7 3 4 6 7 8 1000 770 760 550 4 SO 830 270270 13 J212 16 tell the and North Judson (15 1) 30 24 Kokomo (9 5) Anderson and Waveland (16 0) 20 27 Tell City (10 3) and Bend Central (9 6) 10 each would not 3 2 0 0 s3 a 4 A 130 3 A 120 8 120 120 over Hope Chapel forfeit Meth 54 21 STANDINGS 7 6 tl Gary roebel2 Lafayette 9 Wssaar Alhanv 4 Chicago Washington 1 1 5 Glenn 5 rankfort 11 7 Muncie Central 11 Marion 8 9 Evansville Memorial TO Tie Madison 13 Indianapolis Tech 10 Princeton Indianapolis Attucks (12 1) 110: 14 Winslow (14 2) 90 15 Aurora (12 3) and ranklin Twp of Marion county (14 1) 50 each 17 Hammond (10 5) Elkhart (11 4) ort Wayne Central (11 3) and Bloomington (9 4) 40 each 21 Bedford (9 4) Evansville Reitz (9 4) each (8 7) each tSouth YMCA Basketball CHURCH LEAGUE LAST GAMES Brown St 49: 7r irst Menn 76 ree Meth 34 irst Menn 32: Brown St 34 I rort irst Ker Stidham TEAM Central Pres irst Ref Stidham rpiret Menn Brown ree Meth Hope Chapel Trinity INDUSTRIAL league airfield 48 Brown Rubber 44 National Homes 44 Telephone 30 Alcoa 38: Ross Gear 34 STANDINGS'TEAM National Homes Brown Rubber airfield Alrn Rom wear Xoatone rClub Owners Meet 7 DECATUR Ill Jan 24 (AP) owners of the Mississippi Ohio Valley Baseball league will hold a reorganization meeting here Thnv will tomorrow i to replace the Paducah Kyt and 'West rankfort Ill franchises I Paducah withdrew to join the Kitty league West rankfort en I al 3 AilriAn countered attenuance uuucuiuct This reduced the league to six ML Vernon Centralia Par and Springfield all in niinois and Vincennes Ind Clarence Hoffman Bellville HI president of the league hopes to indude Danville and Decatur DI to join the league Danville is de finitely interested Hoffman said i considered doubt fuL 4 'CLEVELAND Jan 24 Cleveland Indians announced 'today they had sold Pitcher Al Benton to the Sacramento Solons of the Pacific Coast league The Tribe said it was a cash rdeal but nmmint Benton came to the Indians from Sacramento early in 1949 jje won nine and lost six for the 1 1ndians that year ight Results Wednesday Bouts 'CHICAGO Johnny Bratton 147 Chicago stopped Bobby Dykes 1 150 Miami la 1 'jOakland Cal Maurice Harper146' Oakland outpointed Charley Ttolas 149 Phoenix 10 perience and whatnot and throw them out the The only thing wrong with tak ing the job as a real estate sales man esler said was I just kept thinking pbout the things I had done so long and like to do so much working with thrilled to death about the SURPRISE MOVE The appointment took Minne sota by surprise esler had not figured in the speculation about successor Negotiations went on by telephone He and Athletic Director Ike Armstrong came to a definite understanding yesterday President James Morrill concurred in nomination and today the Board of Regents ratified the appoint ment in telephone poll At esler joins an old friend President Morrill wks vice president of Ohio State when esler was winning All America honors as an end on Buckeye teams Dr Morrill referred to this friendship in expressing profound satisfaction with the appointment He said esler would bring to Minnesota "the qualities that are so essential in maintaining and furthering Twin Cities sports writers like wise expressed pleasure Said Sports Editor Joe Hennessey of the St Pau! Pioneer Press: should make an ideal coach for one liked by the players the public and the press very person able and should go over very well at RIGHT TYPE teams have looked tre mendous and I like his type and his said Joe Hendrick son sports editor of the Minne apolis Tribune "He is the type we need to build a team at Minne esler comes to a job which Bierman held for 18 seasons Be fore going into the Marine corps in World war II Bierman led the Gophers to six Big Ten confer ence championships and four na tional titles In the post war per iod Minnesota has not fared so well The 1950 season was Bier worst one victory one tie and seven losses Ohio State teams won 21 games while losing 13 and tying 3 The 1949 team shared the Big Ten title and won the Rose Bowl game of Jan 1 1950 Pace Big Ten CHICAGO Jan 24 Three veteran players Ray Ragelis of Northwestern Don Sunderlage of Illinois and Ab Nichols of Wis consin top the Big basket ball scoring column this week Sharpshooting Ragelis has the best average per game of 204 points in five contests He banged in 26 in latest out ing an 81 75 conquest of Ohio State Topping total of 102 points is 114 The Illini captain bucketed 27 against Iowa tally is in six games giving him a 19 point av erage Bowling Dates ORT WAYNE Jan 24 (AP) A change in the dates for the Sixth Annual Bowling tournament of the Indiana State council Knights of Columbus was an nounced today James Wagner council Ath letic chairman said the tourna ment is to be held at Anderson on these successive week ends: eb 3 4 eb 10 11 and eb 17 18 Hi School Basketball (Wednesday Games) Garv roebel 53: Gary WaJIace 30 Wallace 34: Wingate 31 Jackson Twp (Tippecanoe) 55 Bow ers 51 New Harmony 63 Norris City (Ill) 0 Chrismey 56 Ireland 50 Lynnville 25 Chandler 15 Kokomo 61 Elwood 59 (overtime) Union (Johnson Co) 69 Mt Auburn 41 Attucks 49: Shortrtdgre 36 Logansport 55 Peru 40 Pulaski 40 Monterey 33 lora 52 Delphi 49 New Palestine 65 lats Rock 53 LAOKTE COUNTY TOURNEY Kingsburv 51 Clinton Twp 43 Rolling Prairie 44 Stillwell 38 Union 44 Wanatah 26 DELAWARE COUNTY TOURNEY Selma 58z DeSota 31 Roverton 59 Yorktown 58 Wins Ring Award INDIANAPOLIS Jan 24 (AP) Tony Zale of Gary former world middleweight champion will receive a National Boxing associa tion certificate in recognition of his courage and ability in the Arch Hindman president of the NBA announced the certificate will be presented in connection with the Joey Maxim Hubert Hood fight Saturday night at the In dianapolis armory Infielder Signed CHICAGO Jan 24 BH1 Serena third baseman with the Chicago Cubs today signed his 1951 contracL Serena is the 15th Cub player to attach his signa ture to the dotted line for the coming season Basketball NEWTON CO TOURNEY AT MOROCCO (1st Game) inal: Kentland 38 Brook 87 Half: Kentland 18 Brook IX LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER ootball Coaches Comb Duquesne or Talent PITTSBURGH Jan 24 ootball coaches shopping for pig skin talent are beating a path to ward Duquesne university The school which last week gave up the gridiron sport for the fourth time has about 50 stranded freshmen sophom*ore and junior footballers Some of them want to stay and continue their studies Those who came to the school with a football career in mind have to wor ry In the market for the grid or phans are at least six schools Pitt and Carnegie Tech both local col leges top the list Others include St Bonaventure Washington Jeff erson and Boston university Also interested are Alabama Chattanooga and Louisville all re cent Duke opponents Duke of ficials also expect Villanova and Detroit to join in the quest of mar Officials from Pitt Carnegie Tech Alabama Chattanooga and Louisville already have looked over some of the players ALL ARE INTERESTED Pitt Coach Len Casanova who got the go ahead signal from Bluff school officials to talk to the play ers said: interested in a few of the boys if they are interested in The Carneigie Tech coach Dr Eddie Baker is less hopeful of get ting any aid from Dliquesne Bak sole hope is to get a player or two who lives near Pittsburgh I suppose get bet ter offers somewhere he sigh ed wistfully In addition Aldo (Buff) Donelli ex Duquesne mentor now at Boston has written for information about several players Eddie Milkovich ex Duke eager who coaches St Bonaventure col hoopsters also has looked over the gridders What does acting Duquesne Coach Lou (Doc) Skender think about it? 1 feel partly responsible for most of the boys being at Du quesne and want to help 'them if they wish to continue playing Some of them are still a bit con he said Sisler Balks ST LOUIS Jan 24 Dick Sisler the man who gave the Philadlephia Phillies a National league pennant with one swing of the bat like the pay offers from the Phils so far just had a little disagree ment over a few thousand Sisler said today He has received two contracts both calling for increases he said but both have gone back to the club unsigned He wouldn't say what he had been offered or what he wanted The 30 year old outfielder empha sized however that he and owner Bob Carpenter at great There is' feverish excitement around Minneapolis as Minnesota prepares to greet its new football coach Wesley esler and by no meais all of it is generated by the dyed in the wool gridiron fans the early re turns indicate that well informed owners of pharmacies and haber dashery shops were leaving the starting gate like Coaltown and rushing to the front of the wel coming parade Pharmacists reasoned that here comes a guy who by his own ad mission suffered so frequently and so painfully from headaches that he up and quit a $15000 job at his old school furthermore this 'esler fellow confesses the headaches are affairs and that lovely sinus word is involved staging with plain aspirins the drugli stores can do a lot for Wes I The haberdashery dealers are not all football fans even in Minneapolis but many of them do read the newspapers and they are well acquainted with the fact that esler considers neckties as a vital part of his college football system Wes likes to mix the single wing with the formation on the field and the fore in hand with the bow tie off the gridiron the necks on the hulking Gopher gridders at Minneapolis Were never intended for short tie lengths which are shoved on the public today so the clothing men in the great northwest are eagerly looking forward to ial orders" from the esler grid ders of 1951 If Minnesota had 'seen fit to hire Mr esler a couple of shears ago there is little doubt but that some disgruntled professors and instructors of the university would have battled for position in the front lines to cheer arrival it was then that esler was fresh in his position of demanding that athletes be gentlemen schol ars (and tie wearers) first and football players second If recent nation wide press re leases are to be believed esler withdrew so completely from this original stand that near the end of his regime at Ohio State some of the finer football players were not even going to school However it seems that the Minnesota faculty may be in a quandry as to which way to turn If they are hesitant in supporting a coach who has apparently re laxed his vigilance on classroom roll calls they may find them selves face to face with the presi dent of their university Dr Morrill is quoted by the United Press as receiving esler ap pointment with en yet the same Mor rill is known as one of the lead ers in opposing bowl games and other events frhich keep athletes from their studies So maybe the good doctor knows something Janowicz and Doyle might have been vieing with kidnappers over at Ohio Then there are those Minnesota fans we have met time after time in all these years of following Purdue to Minneapolis we think they are among the best in the nation and that goes for the sports writers too but never have we heard them deny a burning desire to win Yet the same United Press quotes esler as follows: "The tremendous de sire to win football games for Ohio State reached a point where definite consideration of my health became Gopher fans might be excused for ponderingthis statement and then asking if that desire is to be lessened at Minnesota We can hurry on to the real reason esler or anybody else is heading Minnesota football instead of Bernie Bierman has passed Bernie they said his record the past few years etc Such pressure became so great that Bierman fin ally resigned last fall after two decades in the Minnesota grid sad dle Well esler came to Ohio State as head coach in 1947 and as we recall brought with him no better than mediocre record in other jobs at tha time Bernie Bier man had already won six Big Ten championships three national foot ball crowns had records of' 21 straight wins etc but Bierman was so we will dis card his records of the dim past and take him only from 1947 through those years In the last four seasons Bierman won 21 lost 14 and tied one at Ohio State (where some say the material is the best in the coun try) esler won 20 lost 14 and tied three after all of Bier sensational championship seasons and lengthy service Ber nie was reported to be receiving $12500 so the basis of what appears above esler was signed for $14000 that is typi cal of the rewards for long faith ful and valuable service these days and it confined to uni versities or college football If you are one who finds it so easy to harp on the opinion that losing football coaches are over paid to be consistent you must contend that winning coaches are underpaid just the other day Red Rolfe signed for $40000 as baseball manager after finishing third Bierman was getting $12500 for being one of odds In LAAYETTE a burger beer IS NOW DISTRIBUTED EXCLUSIVELY BY CASEY WHOLESALER PHONE 4828 509 Salem St Lafayette Ind DISTINCTIVELY DELICIOUSLY DRY llliiHEEl BURGER BREWING 0 I I A to 2 MORE DAYS 2 MORE DAYS ENDS SAT JAN 27th ss A Savings of up to 35 i in at is a both con sell only five in action came out the final were far the the the three or four most successful football coaches of history the event no deficit exists amount will be returned sponsor 50 points per game in the circuit to West slightly better 52 and in the defensive department the race is nearly as close with the Devils yielding 606 points per game to opponents to 562 However Rossville boasts the best of the scoring with its three front line performers all well up in the individual race Center Boundrant is in third place with a 16 point average while or wards indley and Timmons rank fourth and seventh respectively average is 157 and Tim mons is hitting at a 103 clip Sixth rated Bob Martin is the only Red Devil listed among the top ten scorers Bob is canning a neat 143 against loop rivals for three games If we seem to be picking on esler let us make it clear that we believe those who say Wes is a good fellow and a capable coach we simply developed a sour feeling when esler delivered those than statements up on signing at Ohio State in 1917 his declared pro gram put other experienced men in the same profession in a tough spot although many of them were just as honest and sincere as esler professed to be they had learned to let their results do their talking both as character builders and football teachers Now that esler has completed one of the shortest careers in real estate business the country has ever seen we might be wise to predict that Blair Cherry recently of Texas or Marchie Schwartz more recently of Stanford will soon fill the Ohio State and South ern California vacancies they are fed up with coaching too fill wool worsteds gabardines sharkskins in single And double breasted models Wanted colors STOCK REDUCING SALE Come In and take Advantage of These Big Savings I There are 64 TOPCOATS Some with zip in linings ail wool coverts gabardines and tweeds While they last Sa a69 I Or 69 There is still a good assortment of MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS Jeff and West Side Meet Conference Rivals riday Conference tangles are on tap tomorrow night for both West La fayette and Jefferson quintets when the Red Devils meet Rossville the Purdue fieldhouse and the Broncos clash with the North Central league leaders Marion in the Jeff corral The two games open long four game home stands for both Marion Red and Blacks and Coach Gordon Straieys scarlets Agrees Jo Bout NEW YORK Jan 24 (AP) Matchmaker Al Weill of the Inter national Boxing club announced today that Omelio Agramonte had agreed to a return bout within 60 days if he upsets Joe Louis at Miami eb 7 The return would be held in New York College Basketball Wednesday Ganirw Georgetown (1 58 Navy 55 New Orleans Loyola 69 Southwestern 6 5 rhuago Loyola 80 Western Michigan 48 Dajton 70 Eastern Kentucky 60 Western Illinois Eastern Illinois 73 Ball State 57 Manchester 43 CLOTMO STORE Corner Third and Columbia Sts Jeff will take on Logansport Crawfordsville and New Castle here in order while the face Winamac Attica and Wil liamsport Jeff will then wind up the schedule on eb 16 at Rich mond and the scarlets appear their finale the same night Brazil ANOTHER ROUGH ONE Marion eagers had time to catch their breath without running into one of the major teams and this ri engagement sends them out after the number one club in the NCC as well as one of the high ranking Ceams on the prep bal lots Giants racked up their 12th victory of the campaign against three losses Tuesday night drubbing Wabash 55 41 to equal lie season mark compiled by the Broncos but the Giants have all the edge in loop play with five wins against one defeat to the Jeff record of 4 and 2 Coach Woody visitors can take a crack at the Broncos on three counts first a Marion tri umph would all hut eliminate the locals from any further NCC title dreams secondly are the United Press and Associated Press rat ings 4 in which the Jeffmen hold the upper hand at present The Broncos were moved to third place by UP one notch ahead of the Giants while the AP version thought a little more of Marion gang and shoved them into second spot replacing New Albany That move placed Broncos well in front of eighth rated Giants PROBLEM IS SAME The problem for Coach Gordon Straley is quite similar but lacks the publicity glitter The WestSiders are now tied for second place in the Hoosier conference with lora with two wins and one loss while Coach Loren Hornets are bedded in third with a 2 2 mark Rossville has been far more successful over the sea route however gaining six victories against as many losses while the Red Devils were ab sorbing ten defeats and wins Both teams were Tuesday night and both on the short end of nniint hnt the' HometS more impressive as they pushed the touted rankfort Hot Dogs to the late minutes of the game before losing 54 51 The Scarlets went to Rensselaer where the Bombers unloaded a 62 42 setback on them HOLD SCORING EDGE Rossville already holds one de cision over the local five but the contest was not an official league game On paper the tilt looks like a toss up except for one vital fac tor The Hornets are averaging WiU Televise HS Tournament Tilts rom Butler Site INDIANAPOLIS Jan 24 (AP) The finals! of the Indiana high school basketball tournament will be televised from Butler univer sity fieldhouse Phillips commissioner of the Indiana i High School Athletic association announced today also that the sectional regional and semi finals in the fieldhouse will be televised Agreement! to televise the 24 games was made by Phillips the IHSAA board of control and Har ry Bitner general manager of WBM TV The tournaments will start eb 21 Bitner said provisions have been made to protect the participating schools against loss if tnere drop in attendance However he and Phillips said they are fident the tourney will be a out despite the television' The programs will be sponsored by Associated Distributors of In dianapolis in cooperation with Servel refrigerators and gas utility companies of Indiana The television station has de posited $5000 for the sponsor with the board 'Of control of the IHSAA as guarantee against a deficit in receipts this year com pared to last year In the the or These 2 DAYS ONLY i THE PRICES ON THESE SUITS ARE STILL Our SPORT COATS LEATHER JACKETS and Coats and most of our winter goods are marked down for these Scarlet Wrestlers End Losing String WMt hizh wrestling team won its first meet in two years when it nudged the matmen of Ben Davis high school at Indianapolis 26 25 the A Tuesday afternoon Coming from behind in the final four matches Coaches Sanford Johnson and Ken team an nexed enough points to outlast their opponents despite losing the heavyweight niatch Capt Eric Greenfield 176 pound er put the meet on ice when he pinned Powers of Ben Davis in 1:46 of the first period Paul Schwartz and Roger Mullen also gained falls for Red Devils and West Siders Jose Rlbares Bob Craw and Don Meyer won decis ions Rusty Knauer was held to a 7 7 draw 95 Ben Davis HS forfeit 104 pounds Schwartz (NVL) pinned Scott 1:04 113 Knauer (WL) and raker drew 121 pounds Smith (BD) decisloned Mullen 128 pounds Woodward (BD) pinnedRisk 1:08 134 rR Mullen (WL)' pinned Hurst 1:13 1 38 Ribarea WL) decisloned Ritter X46 pounds Scherer (BD) pinned Jen kins 3:21 155 pounds Craw (WL) decisloned Lefevers 166 pounds Meyer (WL) decisloned Pflum 176 pounds Greenfield (WL) pinned Powers 7:4 6 Heavyweight Townsend BD) pinned STOCK REDUCING SALE alii IP 9 2 LAS1.

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