Dragon Age: Origins - Warden's Keep Best Quests (2025)

1. Ranking the Quests in Dragon Age: Origins - Dumped, Drunk and Dalish

  • 13 mrt 2018 · Take a look at all the main quests in the game, as well as the most notable side quests, and then rank them from worst to best.

  • A critical blog on dragon age and the world of Thedas.

Ranking the Quests in Dragon Age: Origins - Dumped, Drunk and Dalish

2. Category:Warden's Keep quests | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

  • Quests in the Warden's Keep DLC for Dragon Age: Origins. Trending pages Soldier's Peak (quest) Soldier's Peak (quest) Soldier's Peak (quest)

  • Quests in the Warden's Keep DLC for Dragon Age: Origins.

Category:Warden's Keep quests | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom

3. Guide for Dragon Age: Origins - Warden's Keep DLC

  • Page 14 of the full game walkthrough for Dragon Age: Origins. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements.

4. Warden's Keep | Dragon Age Wiki - Fandom

Warden's Keep | Dragon Age Wiki - Fandom

5. Warden's Keep DLC worth the $? - Dragon Age: Origins - Giant Bomb

  • 3 nov 2009 · Definately worth it. I really enjoyed the quest. One of the best in the game. 15 years ago.

  • I'm really enjoying Dragon age, and I'm tempted to buy the Warden's Keep DLC but i'm worried it's not worth the money they are charging for it. Has an

Warden's Keep DLC worth the $? - Dragon Age: Origins - Giant Bomb

6. Best way to tackle Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition Dlc?

  • 15 jun 2011 · After the Circle of Magi then I go for the DLCs and the side-quests. As far as the DLCs are concerned I often go for Warden's Keep first since I ...

  • Kinda lost with all the dlc. I was wondering if anyone knew what was the best way to tackle the dlc in the ultimate edition

7. The Stone Prisoner - Through the Dragon Age

  • 23 aug 2018 · The Stone Prisoner. If Redcliffe is your first quest, doing The Stone Prisoner afterwards sounds great (I always do The Circle first myself).

  • (1/2) Hey! I'm getting ready to do a new playthrough and have a question. When are the suggested times and/or best times to play through all the DLC from a story perspective? (DLC with set timing like...

8. [GUIDE] Dragon Age Origins Quest Order - Where Do I Go After ...

  • 16 jan 2019 · Either before or after the Mage Tower, I will do the beginning of The Stone Prisoner and go to Honleath. Then, usually before or after Redcliffe ...

  • In Dragon Age Origins the map is open and you can go anywhere at any time.  An unsuspecting player can find themselves on a high level quest at the beginning of the game, so this guide will help

[GUIDE] Dragon Age Origins Quest Order - Where Do I Go After ...

9. Dragon Age Warden's Keep - Final Fantasy Kingdom

  • Once you have aided Levi Dryden find out the truth of what happened with his Great Grandmother, he will set up shop outside, as will his brother, a smith.

  • Dragon Age...the Darkspawn awaits the Warden.


  • DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS. THE WARDENS' KEEP DLC. Talk to Levi Dryden in the Party Camp and agree to help him clean the fortress/keep. Open your world map and ...

11. Dragon Age: Origins - Warden's Keep (2009) - Backloggd

  • 3 nov 2009 · ... quests - discover what really happened to the Grey Wardens of old and what led to their expulsion from Ferelden. New features - a base of ...

  • "Some claim the fortress of Soldier's Peak is corrupted and overrun by demons. Others whisper of betrayal and the spirits of murdered Grey Wardens. Whatever the truth, Soldier's Peak is no place for the living. Relive the darkest hour of the Grey Wardens with all-new content that adds to the main Dragon Age: Origins campaign. This downloadable adventure reveals secrets hidden for generations, and includes unique achievements, unlockable character abilities, powerful items, and much more! New quests - discover what really happened to the Grey Wardens of old and what led to their expulsion from Ferelden. New features - a base of operations with party storage. Inventory full? Stash new items as well as loot from the main Dragon Age: Origins campaign. New items and abilities - talents and spells from the Power of Blood school, unique achievements, and powerful items including a set of Grey Warden Commander armor."

Dragon Age: Origins - Warden's Keep (2009) - Backloggd
Dragon Age: Origins - Warden's Keep Best Quests (2025)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.